Simply put...Where DP talks about anything and everything. All you know is that its gonna be rediculous. Thats DPgoodness. Oh Yesss.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Rangers Beat Yankees!
Huge win by the Rangers. They dominated the entire series. Game one was a fluke. The only run by the yankees in game 6 was a fluke. Half of what they got away with was a fluke. But the Rangers played solid. They played like a team, went out there, and worked together, one at a time. The pitcher put in some help, the outfielder, the manager washington, the guy who got walked and the guy who RBIed him in. everyone worked in perfect unison. If you know anything about me you know I hate baseball. But if you know me you know I love perfect teamwork and I love Texas, and so the Rangers go hand in hand. In Ann Arbor, so mnay of my friends are from New York and even more are Yankee Fans. Well I am glad we gave that money paid 40 penants and buy your way to the world series a woopin, because the hard workin man´s team just got its first penant and its first shot to the World Series!
Go Texas! Go Rangers!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Biggest. Game. Ever.

Ladies and Gentleman, the time has come for the biggest game of my four year career here at Michigan. Our showdown with Michigan State. At home. Both 5-0. Both ranked (MSU16, Mich17). Last time MSU was this good was 1999. Its here at the newly improved big house. And its for real. And on top of that we have the shoelace....oh boy oh boy. What a game. I want everyone to tune in on saturday. 3:30E/2:30C on ABC/ESPN. Gotta watch it. This will be EPIC...

And as Mike Hart said...

"Sometimes it's just like when you're playing your little brother in basketball," Hart said. "You let him get a lead and let him get excited, but then you take it back from him."
Hart then was asked if he regarded the Spartans as Michigan's subservient sibling?
"Yes I do," he said. "They do, so why shouldn't I."
Friday, October 1, 2010
Boozer the Loozer
Hahaha if yall want a good laugh and a great vid, watch this Gatorade special of Carlos Boozer losing in a game of horse to a High School stdent. Sure Boozer isnt the greatest shooter in the world (looks like he practiced with pumpkins) but its stil great to see the reaction:
hope you like the new look of the blog
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The man is a walking highlight reel. Ever since he shattered records his first week against Uconn and then shattered them again against Notre Dame...and then Again against Bowling Green, well, the national spotlight has fallen on Michigan again, because we have shoelace, and no one else. The man will someday get the Heisman to be called the shoelace Heisman award. He is top of the spotlight of that coveted football award after just a few starts in his career. THe dude is rediculous. Why do I like hm so much? Casue he is a good kid, a genuinely good kid. Humble, team player with a grift from God to run like the wind. The kid ran a 10.4 100yard track run. Now thatis rediculous. His dreads and shoes are legendary. Just watch out...cause like I said...we have shoelace and yall dont.
Go Blue!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010
Joe PA
"I've been to about four movies in the last 35 years," Paterno said. "I think the last one I saw was, uh, 'Amareus,' -- what was it, 'Amadeus'?"
Yes, "Amadeus," a biopic on composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, which was released 26 years ago. So that means the only film Paterno has seen since then stars Penn State's offense, defense, special teams and opponents.
Paterno is 83. He's older than the Heisman Trophy, Michigan and Notre Dame stadiums, the Southeastern Conference, and the combined ages of his Nittany Lions' starting center plus one starting guard, starting wide receiver and starting cornerback.
This will be his 61st season at Penn State, his 45th as its head coach. Since 1966, there have been 860 coaching changes among FBS programs, including multiple firings and hirings at every school except one: Penn State.
"Joe Paterno [is] football," said Northwestern coach Pat Fitzgerald. "Joe Paterno's college football. I couldn't think of it without him."
Paterno has neckties older than 35-year-old Fitzgerald. With six more victories, Paterno will become only the third coach in college football history to reach the 400-win mark. To put the number 400 in perspective, that's almost half of Penn State's all-time wins (811) and only 75 fewer than that of Northwestern, which started playing in 1882.
We need more men like him, dedicated, focused, and that relish their position and nnknow they can make change and influence others. He is one of the dearest of all football, of all college sports, and of all sports in general. Bc that is what he is, a general on the field who knows how to comand his team and how toi comand and influence the athletic program and school of Penn State in a possitive direction. Its a shame that sao many coaches these days focus on what they can get away with and what big name players they can steal from another team. instead they should be taking the example of a legend, who brings in top talent because of him and his integrity and his legendary status...someone who builds off of what they can offer, not of what they can break and get the upper hand. Paterno is the example that all coaches should be looking to be, the one who is charismatic but at the same time demands the most out of his players. He is the real deal. He is a winner. And he is what football should still be about. Hittin people! Just laying the Fin guy out. On the floor. Thats right, football is about hitting...not money, not TV apperances, not future-NFL players...its about hitting and winning ball games on saturdays and that is what Paterno does best. He's the man.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Reactions to the Decision
Now there have been a lot of reactions, from pumping fists and cheering to burning jerseys and giving impossible guarentees. But what is important is that this inspired for Steve Carell to give his decision...and here I have it for you in all its glory...
and what did the real King have to say about all this? Its pretty funny, really, kinda like a slap in the face. Hes like, "I dont now what kids do now, but back in the day when I played, we liked to compete. Not like this BS staked teams of today. What the corn." Exactly what he said. Listen for yourself...
share your thoughts yall
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The most important decision in the history of the world

1. Miami
3. New York
4. Lakers
5. Piss-tons

2. Cleveland. Alright you already know my feelings about this place. But, how would he feel in the end of the day working so hard to make Cleveland a NBA champion calaber team all those years to just dump his home town and endless fans to win some hardwood or make some more dough? Who knows. He likes home. He wants to be at home. But he wants to win.
3. NY gives him the largest consumer market and the most money and the most opportunity to make a big time brand. And now that they signed Boozer, they have a shot if he came.
4. Lakers. I made that one up. Kobe is king there and will always be king there
5. I have no idea who the piss-tons are but they are not related to the team in Auburn Hills.

I hate to have to see this, but as I wanna know where he goes...Im gonna have to bite the bullet and watch this peice of drama unfold. Tonight at 9pm Eastner on ESPN. Like I said,....what the corn
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Big Ten


Big 12


What does this mean to Michigan?

What does this mean to Notre Dame?

What do they want? Well, the only way they would go to a conference would be if they make more money with the conference than through their own network. Well, its happening folks. They couild makle more every year with the BTN than NBC. Also, the BCS has told Notre Dame that they cannot participate in any championship games since they are not in a BCS confernece. So sure, they can keep all the Bowl money bc they dont have to share, BUT they cant even compete in the National finally capable of the crown AND more money through TV contract? Why not...Notre Dame should go to the Big Ten.
One more thing...IF Notre Dame enters the Big Ten, the Big Ten might say, aight, we got 12 teams, we are even, we can have a championship game now and we just got a national market with one team...thats enough. So Notre Dame might single handidly end the Big Ten expandment, and not only that, doing so would not allow any Big 12 team to leave which might let them stay together and no one leave to the Pac-10. Notre Dame has the keys to the chaos.
What does this mean to Texas?

1. If they go to the Pac-10 they can make a powerful West Coast and South Conference that is already looking at making its own TV Newtork similar to the BTN. They could be part of a 6 team pacage making the pac-10 super strong with 16 treams.
2. Second option might be the SEC. They are close and relativly local, so no trips to Orgean or Washington. Thing with that is Texas would have a lot more to play aginsint. If they went to Pac-10 they would be up against USC and Oklahoma. If they go to SEC they would have Florida Alabama Georgia LSU and Oklahoma. A lot more to compete with, which might not be what Texas is used to.
3. Finally they could go to the Big Ten, sealing the Bit Ten as the best conference ever if it has Texas Notre Dame Michigan Ohio State and Penn State. But that will be unlikely bc why would the water polo team really want to leave Austin to go to Ann Arbor to have a match? They rather go to Baten Rouse or something.
4. Lastly, they could stay and hold the Big 12 together. They like being in charge and having the largest value. They could fill vacant spots with TCU or Boise. Whatever happens, Texas will be fine.
Monday, June 7, 2010
iPhone 4

Apple came out with their newest phone. Funny thing is we knew most about it already. the iPhone prototype was found at a bar by some dude who tried to return it to Apple but they thought it was a fake so Apple wouldnt take it so he sent it to some computor geeks at Gizmodo for them to reveal it to the world, pretty much the worst option for Ultra High Security Apple.
So htis is the new sucker. Really nice. I still have the original 2G. After my big truck I dropped it once on the pavement, and that was like a 4 foot high drop so it cracked my screen. Dang it. Also it has the older processor and doesnt have a GPS chip so it uses satilite navigation which is only so accurate. Also I started to drop it a few times and the software that I hacked is buggy so it is really slow. Time for an upgrade. This phone cost me $400. Kinda dont want to fork over even mroe for the new one...but maybe Ill convince myself after I proff-read this post...which I never do...if you can tell.
Anyhow, the phone is brilliant as it is beautiful. Check out some of the hardware specs here. The biggest ad ons in my opinion is A) High Res Screen B) 2 good cameras with capabilities to face chat C) A4 processor that can multitask D) iMovie editing software on the (get ready to see twice as much DPfootage on the blog! Yay)
check iout this unbiased look on the iphone4.
1. Kobe has a really high shot. The ball is well above his head. This allows him to A) have great leverage as shown on his jump shots and B) keep the ball away from the defender
2. The reason Kobe is so good on the floor is that he goes at the same calmness that he does in his practice. He is smooth demonstrating his shot and free throws and he keeps his cool and his form as he does it high speed in the game. Consistency wins games
3. Watching him talk about his focus in #6 Get In Character at 5:38
4. That white guy must be tall. He stand right at Kobe and Kobe is 6'6".
5. Will Kobe be the next Coach Isaah Thomas?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Focus: On a Mission
Now lets talk about differnt types of focus. You can focus on an immediate goal, such as driving home, or a bigger picture, like graduating and maybe getting a job one day. They could be specific goals such as downing the drink before your buddie does, or an every day goal, like making enough dough to pay Obama's taxes and still having a few cents for an orange Fanta from Mexico. We might as well state what focus is NOT.

We in America like to have role modles, for those who inspire, Kennedy, for those who fly, Superman, for those who kill and sleep with women, Bond, and for those who create "change," Obama. We need a role modle, someone that every little kid can be like, wow, I wan tto focus, I want to be the nexdt Focus Master, who would they look up too? Well, our search has been answered, b/c on national TV we foudn the perfect Mr Focus. He happens to be a Baskebtall superstar as well. No wonder. Here he is ladies and gents
I dont even hear you. I am on a mission.
Whats your say? Leave a comment below.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
From Boys to Men: Get a Life

Soon at the end of the first half, his second tech resulting in automatic ejection. It gets worse. In the second half, Big Baby Davis gets slammed by superman's elbowes which was an instant KO. After a few breaths the man attempts to get up but found himself once agasin on the hardwood floore. He attempts yet again but finds himself in the Reff's arms. Out with a concussion.