Simply put...Where DP talks about anything and everything. All you know is that its gonna be rediculous. Thats DPgoodness. Oh Yesss.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Focus: On a Mission
The Finals are here. This is where champions are victorius and the almost champions go home. Alright. Nothing new there. Sorry to dissapoint. But how are champions determined? How to they come to be? Its all about focus.
Now lets talk about differnt types of focus. You can focus on an immediate goal, such as driving home, or a bigger picture, like graduating and maybe getting a job one day. They could be specific goals such as downing the drink before your buddie does, or an every day goal, like making enough dough to pay Obama's taxes and still having a few cents for an orange Fanta from Mexico. We might as well state what focus is NOT. Its not sitting on the beach with your suit on doing some yoga crap. First off, the suit is partly ruined by the sand that gets everywhere, second, you look like a complete moron. Please kee p such behaviors in the privacy of your own home. And third off, you deserve to get hit by the spalishing water from some kid. I hope a seagull poops on that men's warehouse jacket of yours too. Think instead...think instead of a fat kid, who is really hungry, like really hungry. He just just eat, he doesnt just consume food, no, he destroyes it. He obliterates it from this universe and somehow it ends up in his stomach, adding to his thinkness. That is focus, ladies and gentlement, the only type of focus that is found between a fat boy and his cake. Dont get in between, becasue you may never come out alaive. I mean, just look at those eyes. Never have you seen some more fearful
We in America like to have role modles, for those who inspire, Kennedy, for those who fly, Superman, for those who kill and sleep with women, Bond, and for those who create "change," Obama. We need a role modle, someone that every little kid can be like, wow, I wan tto focus, I want to be the nexdt Focus Master, who would they look up too? Well, our search has been answered, b/c on national TV we foudn the perfect Mr Focus. He happens to be a Baskebtall superstar as well. No wonder. Here he is ladies and gents
I dont even hear you. I am on a mission. Whats your say? Leave a comment below.
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