Ladies and gentlemen, we are in a world full of babies. People expect things to get done for them. They complain when things get hard. They feel like they always get the short end of the stick. When do we ever fight again for what we want? When do we truly go after something, putting all our energy and focus on one goal? When do we leave it all on the line? How is this related...I am not sure.
But last night I saw one of the most epic games ever. The teams were put to the teast. One team is a previous league champion and is only one win left for the final champiopnship round. The other is a set of emotional and inconsistent players that historically have 0% shot at making it threw this round.

So here we are. The Orlando magic are playin ghard. Celtics are playing, but at most just "hard." But Orlando is getting at it. It began defensibvly, when Dwight Howard, AKA Superman, was being the big man on campus, swatting shotts and boarding others. He had a large precense (beyond his 7'1" fram, huge deltoids, and tiny head). That lead to fast breaks and big buckets, down in the paint and a dozen or so from down town. They went at it, not fearing loss, but only fearing the deterioration of their pride. They were after all TOP in the East this year in their record. no one won more than them, and they couldnt afford their conscious and self confidence in getting swept by a relativly inferior team. This translated in hustle, hard play, and physical yet intellegent plays.

The Celtics, they came in wanting to win, but that was it, just "wanting to win." They started making shots and putting up some good floaters that went their way, but then they started to fall apart. Perkins, 1 technical foul.
Soon at the end of the first half, his second tech resulting in automatic ejection. It gets worse. In the second half, Big Baby Davis gets slammed by superman's elbowes which was an instant KO. After a few breaths the man attempts to get up but found himself once agasin on the hardwood floore. He attempts yet again but finds himself in the Reff's arms. Out with a concussion.

The next victom: Daniels. The man with the crazy mop hair comes in, goes baseline to find the twin giants awaiting him. He pivots only to find a crushing blow to the head by nothing more than a body shot. He too is gone. Concussion.

But Boston somehow found the very needede effort to begin a comeback. Even 15 behind would not deminish their efforts. They began with hack a Howard, which should be more appropriatly called Smight-the-Dwight as my brother Christopher calls it. Howard was able to make 1of2 for the most part. Sure Boston hit a few threes but so did Orlando. So that plan didnt work. So they just went hard with threes, using the Detroit Champion Rasheed Wallace to make a three evrey time he touched the ball. But then HE TOO was smarred by the Boston Plauge and had back spazms.
Boston finished the game limp, sour, and questioning if they had left what it would take to get that one win. A few games ago another win looked automatic. Now they are wondering if it is even possible. Three of their bigs injured, moral moralized, and a coach scrathcing his head on what to do. Will Allen answer the call? Vet Celtic Pierce? What about "the kid" KG? We'll see. You and me. Oh boy. This is a battle. Wha tth eplayoffs used to be about with the lakers and celtics and the bulls and the bad boys pistons. This is what we want to see, the kicks of the 90s and the ...whatever. I fogot what team to put here. But you get the epic proportions we are talking about. Forget LeBron...THIS should be the story of teh summer...especially considerng how epic the series is in the west...

You know what is embarassing? If the celtics loose this series, this will be the second Boston team to loose when ahead 3-0, where in hocky it has only happened once and basketball never...in the same year.
But I still think it will be Boston-LA in the Finals
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