INstead of flying to Corpus for the break I had switched my flight to go to Houston to catch up with my family who were at the side of my Grandfather who was suffering from pnemonia and a staff infection which was complicated by his old age and a previous stroke, leaving him paralized on the right side. My Christmas in Houston was great. It was so good to see my family. I was even able to see my cousins that I havent seen in like 2 years. But finally, after being in the hospital over a week, my Grandfather left us for the Lord. December 29, 2009.
My Grandfather was amazing. He was was a leader. He lived through the toughest times, with a single mother during the depression, fought in WWII, helped Hispanics win some battles in the Discrimination of the 50s, raised three amazing boys (of which 2 became lawyers like himself and one worked with the Internatioal Space Station with Russia, Japan, Lockheed Martin and NASA), rejected an offer to work for President Johnson after the death of JFK to raise his family, had to suffer the early death of his first wife and of his first born son. Yet still became an amazing witness of a devote follower of Christ and of his steady work in law for over 50years, his commitment to serving others and leading so many group, church groups, bible groups, helping the Latino community, helping the homeless community, helping the unborn, and everything inbetween. The man is an exsample of perserverence, dedication, commitment and faithfulness. He was the ultimate man, one that created a better world every moment he breathed. His affection is strong, as hundreds of people have been blessed by him. Some call him a Hero. Some call him a God-send. Some call him a Leader. Some an Angel. I call him my grandfather. Frank M Pinedo. I love you and will miss you deeply. See you in Heaven. -DP
Finals...they were nice. I had them all and I conquered each one of them. It was great. ONe for breakfast, one for snack time, one for dinner...and then a few days later one for dissert. Here are my evaluations on my 5 classes:
organization of sport organizations...2 -the class was a to relate to other people in your organization. Granted people do not know how to do that these days because they were never taught how to share their candy when they were 4 so we have to take these classes to know how to talk to people who have different personalities. Its a good class to sleep in and as long as you really read all the material before all the exams you should be fine. I liked the presentation section. The teacher was kinda bland but he was a graduate student so this review only covers the concept of the class...with is 2 out of 5
strategy of sport organization...3 -the class was alright, a little bit better than organization. There was a lot of material and all of it taken from harvard business school. It had good material, but not enough to cover the entire semester. In my opinion this class could have been united with organization to make a more condenced class. The proffesor was really into her subject and tried to make it very difficult, but thats how most female teachers are...passionate...about assining tones of readings...of how to help the enviorment...yea....
economics of sports...4 this class was very interesting. It was economics but it made sence since it was adapted to sports. very interesting class. The professor was some big time that made his own books and was also the advisor of economics related to sports for congress and other big organizations. He really was big time. But he woudl jsut talk and talk in class and it was so amusing and interesting it easy hilarious. Best part was all the quizes and the one final were open book. Love it
sports law...5 this class was it. I lvoed it. it was my eraliest at 8:30 but I relaly enjoyed the class. It was all law stuff applied to sports. It was grea.t I just had to take notes non-stop and follow as detailed as I coudl but I really felt educated. I did really well in this subject too, probobly since law runs in my blood. Top things were the class was always let out at least 15min early and that he gave you reviw questions that were mostly what was on the exams. Iddnt have powerpoint but that was feasable with notes and light reading
rocket science...3 good class. blow off class. took it for fun with 2 manager buddies and one basketball player, witch says a lot. I enjoyed the class, very educational. It was a class were you could either sleep, got to get amused by the nerdy professors weird jokes, or just do something else. Everything was on the slides and th weekly quizes you could do with your notes and the exams were just the material on the slides online. Fun class. Interesting. And not too shabby. Recommended.
So that is how my finals went. And the classes. And now I am these classes. Time to regrister for new stuff and all that dandy stuff. Yea, so I am goig to stop radling here and let you go on with your every day life.
Now for those who missed the action, a few weeks ago we saw some examples of women agression. Now many people overlook how tough and roudy women really can be. Some just dont notice that women can be plain mean. Well, I got somethin here you might want to see to recalculate your perception of women athletes. They can fight and run and score...and pull you your hair