Simply put...Where DP talks about anything and everything. All you know is that its gonna be rediculous. Thats DPgoodness. Oh Yesss.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Frank Pinedo and Christmas in Houston
INstead of flying to Corpus for the break I had switched my flight to go to Houston to catch up with my family who were at the side of my Grandfather who was suffering from pnemonia and a staff infection which was complicated by his old age and a previous stroke, leaving him paralized on the right side. My Christmas in Houston was great. It was so good to see my family. I was even able to see my cousins that I havent seen in like 2 years. But finally, after being in the hospital over a week, my Grandfather left us for the Lord. December 29, 2009.
My Grandfather was amazing. He was was a leader. He lived through the toughest times, with a single mother during the depression, fought in WWII, helped Hispanics win some battles in the Discrimination of the 50s, raised three amazing boys (of which 2 became lawyers like himself and one worked with the Internatioal Space Station with Russia, Japan, Lockheed Martin and NASA), rejected an offer to work for President Johnson after the death of JFK to raise his family, had to suffer the early death of his first wife and of his first born son. Yet still became an amazing witness of a devote follower of Christ and of his steady work in law for over 50years, his commitment to serving others and leading so many group, church groups, bible groups, helping the Latino community, helping the homeless community, helping the unborn, and everything inbetween. The man is an exsample of perserverence, dedication, commitment and faithfulness. He was the ultimate man, one that created a better world every moment he breathed. His affection is strong, as hundreds of people have been blessed by him. Some call him a Hero. Some call him a God-send. Some call him a Leader. Some an Angel. I call him my grandfather. Frank M Pinedo. I love you and will miss you deeply. See you in Heaven. -DP
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