My grandfather, Carlos Von Hauske, died today, December 10th, 2008. He died peacefully after a quick accident to the head during a prayer meeting at his house. He lived a difficult yet coveted life, and since I was his closest grandson, I felt I should make a tribute to him:
My Grandfather was a man of honor. They called "Don Carlos" for him who walked the street in integrity.
My Grandfather was a man of consistency. Faith could be put into him and he would deliver.
My Grandfather was a man of perseverance. Even though he lost all his money in the peso evaluation, he stepped up to the challenge, and provided for his family.
My Grandfather was a father, to all who met him. Not only his four children, but to every person who saw the love and passion in his soft blue eyes.
My Grandfather was a man of God. He knew his priorities, his goals, and for whom he lived for. He knew his grander purpose in life and lived accordingly. He loved his family, but he loved and lived for God like few have been able to match in this day and age.
My Grandfather was a missionary. He sacrificed time and effort for the good of those around them. He cared for others greater than himself, going out of his way daily for the smiles and the gratefulness, and hopefully the conversion of another soul.
My Grandfather was My Grandfather. His love and compassion as a role model to us Pinedo boys and his never ending cheerfulness will be legendary and an icon for future Pinedos to come. May his soul rest in peace and find that ever loving God that he has always sought. God bless Don Carlos Von Hauske. ¡Te quiro mucho abuelo!
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