Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Second Hand Scenerade Concert

July 14th

I am sorry that I didnt post this earlier, But I went with Casry, a High School Grad bud to the Second Hand Senerade concert on the July the 14th. It was a really fun concert. It was under this roof, in a small stage at Brewsters Street, which is right next to Whataberger Field where I work baseball games. It was super hot in there, and it was packed with a bunch of 14 year olds, but besides that, the 5 bands who played were very entertaining. Each band had a different style which I liked. I hadnt heard like any of the music, but I had a lot of fun. Second Hand Senerade did a good concert. It was like just the right length and they did a good job playing the 2 songs that I did know...Your Call and Fall for Me...

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