August 2nd
Well, people, summer is getting closer and closer to being over. I am really excited to get back to Michigan. I just want to get out of here, leave family, car, worries behind and start my second life in Ann Arbor once again. I cannot wait for the freedom I will once again have that I cherished so much my first year.

Let me just talk about Batman, the Dark Knight for a is
the best movie I have ever seen in my life! Literally! It was amazing. I saw it once with Casey, then a second time with Edy, and then a third myself. I even bought a poster. I absolutely love it. The movie is everything Batman was supposed to be. The joker was everything he was created to be: a genius yet insane character who did evil for the pure joy of doing it. He was twisted, yet his methods were off the charts genius. The plot was so real, and so life like. The drama was real life obsticales that everyone has to go through. Does one step up and continue what he has been striving his whole life for or does he give in when the times get beyond comprehensible? Do you keep fighting or give in when failure seems inevitable? And the true side of humanity was displayed sever times, most notably on the two ships scene. That scene and the interrogation scene were my favorite parts of the whole movie. My favorite action scene definitely had to be his trip to Hong Kong. Wow. This movie definitely hit everything, from superb action and fighting, to deep morals, to dark humanity. It hit everything. And in the end, the Joker was waving his hair and smiling happily out the cop car window, and that image wil always resound in my mind in this epic movie to be remember for all time...

I have about 2 home game stands totaling 13 games, so having that extra $1000+ is going to be really nice. I am just about done with this darn Accounting Course at TAMUCC. Its getting really annoying because its all pushed into a few days. I took my second midterm this past weds and take my final this upcoming thursday. After all this accounting I am thinking of starting to invest in stocks. I talked to Edy and my dad about it, and there is a good chance I might do that. Dont tell anyone, but my plan right now is to buy some stocks to invest in, keep working for the lawfirm during the school year, and hopefully, if all works out and my dad doesnt disown me, buy a sport motorcycle next sumer. Edy has been getting me all up about bikes because he wanted one. He just bought a fairly nice hyndai car. He hopes to fix it up, use it his senior year, sell it for profit, and buy a bike himself.

I forgot to tell you that the past few weeks I have been practicing Table Tennis Hard Core to get ready for the tournament at TAMUCC on the 31st of July. See, I knew taking this class was good for something! I bought myself a really nice raquet from KillerSpin and practiced a lot on my serve and forehand. Anyhow, I went to the tournament and completely dominated. I won every single game and match, going undefeated to the very end. So, ladies and Gentlemen, after my first table tennis tournament, I am champion. Hopefully I will sign up for the USATT soon. I will keep you up to date.
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