Well, after a long debate and after trying to convince my parents that the necessity of going to a close friend´s wedding was a great idea but that I didnt have to go, I was finally set free. I had to go to Round Rock, the triple A affiliated with the Astros, the team above us, the Corpus Christi Hooks, needed me to go help them in a mascot day on the 17t of August. I had been looking to going with Edy. They were going to pay for a room and gas and it was gonna be a blast. Well, Casey, my good buddy from High School, was going to move in into college station on the 15th, the frisday before the sunda game. So after much discussion and pursuation, my parents let me go.
This past week was rediculous. I went to a stained and hinder concert, I hung out with Edy and Casey, and then again oe epic night with Edy, Casey, and Austin Arce, another bud from high school and played basketball together. It was my last week off before working again with the hooks and then leaving for Ann Aror, so I had to make it count. It was nearing the end of the week, and I planned to go up with Casey to college station, then go to round rock for the game sunday, and possibly chill in San Antonio on Monday on my way back. But before I knew it, not only Edy and Arce were gonna go with me, but everything took forever to plan at the last minute as we didnt even know we were gonna go till 3pm the day of.
So after getting everything together, us three took off behind Casey who was an hour infront of us. On our way we saw a burning house and that was cool. We finally got there late like at 2 am. We went to eat at ihop. I got to meet Ricky, Casey´s room mate. I called him Ricky Bobby from that will ferrel racing movie, and the nick name caught on. We meet a sherif/cop dude who drove a charger at the ihop. I asked him if he ever gassed it up. He said no. I asked him if he ever drifted, and after looking at me, he said no. The guys thought I was crazy for asking, but I had too, haha.
We stayed up watching dodgeball, which was a stupid movie. oh, and I was the only one who stayed up. I cant go to sleep with the tv on. Everyone fell asleep within the first few minutes. SO I fell asleep at 6:30 am. Casey got us up at 9 am to go to home depot to pick paint for his dorm. Well, we were all tired and I cant even see coulars so I was screwed but we ate at freebirds and it was all good. We painted his room for a while and had a little fun in the process. Later we went to the awesomeness gym they have there in Texas A&M and played some ball. Even though we all sucked hard core from a combination of never playing anymore and harly sleeping, we crushed the opposition. Then we went to eat at a really good pizza place, even though me and ed got competely lost trying to get there.

Let me just break in right here for a special announcment:
College Station has ALL the Girls...no joke. The girls here are amazing! Under my calculations, 90% are cute and 49.67% are plain hot. I am not joking. I have never seen so many amazing girls in my life! It seems every girl I saw was just the cutest ever! I ahd no idea what to do! I just wanted to stay there! Haha. Its a known fact that Michigan is not known for their girls because you have to be smart to get there. Really smart. All the pretty girls got o Michigan State because it is an easy school and a party school. Therefore Michigan suffers...but let me tell you what, College Station in no way is suffering! It is...a wonderland! Hahaha. Truely amazing! Im gonna have to visit more often! ...ok, back to my story...
After we ate pizza, we went to shower and went to this awesom club there. It was a bit off campus but it was a huge place filled with people and just a great atmosefear for dancing. We were able tos neak Edy into the 18 and up club with a friend´s ID that didnt even look like Edy. The place was good but I only got one dance. I was kinda depressed, but you do what you do. I have been practicing dancing, now I just got to practice asking girls our to dance, haha, something we never did in Annapolis. Baaa. I was kinda pissed, but whatever. It was probobly the amount of pretty girls that threw me off. Haha
That night me, Edy, and Arce went to get some snacks at the only place open at that hour, McDonalds. Then we watched some retarted movie, I forgot what it is called. Some looser is going to gyp the special olympics, haha. And we died. I woke up bright and early to go to mass. I found where the St. Mary in College Station was on my iphone. But I got lost trying to get there and found our I was going to completely opposite directions from some nice baptsits. So I went to mass and it was full under construction. It was packed but I was able to sneak into the 4th row. And low and behold, I was sitting 3 people down from one of my old friends from phillips and he was my neighbor when I grew up and went to school with im for a year at Most Precious Blood, Anthony Legamaro. I talked to him and then talked to the young preist who celebrated mass. I told him that I was from the St Mary in Ann Arbor and that we send them our greetings. He thought that was the coolest thing. I really enjoyed mass. It was packed to the brim, and yet it wasnt as charasmatic type as the one in Ann Arbor, it was loaded with students, tons of pretty girls, and even some of the mass parts where the same. I cant wait to get back to Ann Arbor...After mass I chatted up with him and took off. Back at the dorms, us 3 guys got ready to go. We grabbed casey, went to some mexican resturant in my car, dropped him off, pumped the music, waved to the girls and left.

The drive to Round Rock was about 2 hours, much longer than we expected, but we got there on time. We were lucky that Rust the Hook, one of our 2 mascots, did a good representation of us and won the Mascot Home Run Derby. He was 8 for 8 in the first round and had the farthest hit ball i the championship round. Kudos to him. The game was a bunch of fun, and I know Edy adn Arce loved officially being able to go wherever they wanted and saving 50% off with my money on whatever food they wanted. I showed them how to drive the stick on the cool man car after the game and then went to the hotel.

We were staying at the Hilton Gardens, all room payed. And let me tell you what, what an amazing hotel it was! Truly awesome! THe coolest beds and all. Haha. I got cleaned up and we watched a little of Johnson in gymnastics and then took off. Plan was: drop off ed with his brother in law, Derick, at his house in fploversvill that was 20 minutes away, and then me and arce go to a local club for round 2. Well, it was gonna work till all the local clubs sucked, har core. ONe had only 8 old men in it playing loud music and rinking, and the other one wasnt even in the location it was supposed to be. But whatever, I was dead tired, and after watching a little Jack Ass 2 in Derick´s awesome house, we went back to the hotel and crashed...
But I forgot to telly uo something! The lawfirm I was working for needed its documents read for Monday´s deposition! They were supposed to be done before monday but Casey had no internet in his dorm and I was screwed. I had 200 documents to read, about 4-6 hours of work. But we had none! So monday morning I got up early and read documents, even though they were past due...only to find another 200 assigned to me! Crap. So I worked hard and got 100 done. Right before we had to go, they where showing table tennis on the olympics, and since I had been waiting the whole olympics to watch it, I watched a bit, told Carlos to record the rest at home, and we left.
We went to eat at ihop, got some gas, and jammed up on our way back until they fell asleep. So lets get this strait: I had hardly slept the entire week. I had gotten up early saterday to get paint that I couldnt even see, got up early sunday to go to church when no one else got up, and got up early monday to do documents. And now I was driving home and they were asleep again, and whenever they woke up they complained of us getting there quick because
they were tired...yeah, whatever. But, alas, we made it. We did go through Austin and San Antonio before arriving back to Corpus at a little after 4pm. I got home like at 5 and I was dead the entire time. I ate, watched some of the recorded ping pong and some of the live olympics, and went to bed. After over 800 miles of driving in 4 days (even though I didnt drive saterday), I finally could go to sweet bed to sleep...