This was a big game for us. We had won and lost a few, but we needed a big confidence booster. If you remember our past success with UCLA and DUKE from last year, you will remember that those victories were pivital to make it into the NCAA Tournament. Well this year we have not ahd any big non-conference wins, many good wins at that. So we came into this past week determined to work hard against the much taller, faster, and talented University of Connecticute Huskies.

We came into the game really pumped. This was a a game that mattered. It ment something to us. It ment something to the fans as well. We had a top TV commentator on CBS and we had a come prime time saturday slot right before the NFL playoff games. We had to work our butt off, but the momentum and spirit was there. Was there any possibility that we would be able to hit the clutch shots when we needed to against Duke? Was it possible our maize rage and defensive pressure would cause easy buckets ont he other end of the floor? Would we be able to hold our heads up when the opposition started to get things going their way? Well, we did. We were fortunate enough to get everything working together in this game, after such a disasterous first part of the season,t hings were clicking the way they havent since last year. Good passes, great defence, solid boards, and most of all, clutch 3-point shots to seal the game. Sure, the rush on the court was half hearted and completely unceccessary for beating a 15ranked opponent (remember, we were 15 pre-ranked), but I feel liek this win was much more than beating a ranked team. It was the fact that we had finally shown what we were capable of to a win-starving fan population. We were able to beat the bigger, faster, talented, and NBA going UConn Huskies. THey were literally larger than us in every position except when our Fr Darius Morrus was on the floore. And we won, we finally got a win that cpould make every Wolverine fan smile from ear to ear. Great great win. Thank God.

Unfotunately the Cowboys can say the same thing. After having a decent beginning and a solid ending of the season with big wins over the powerful New Orleans Saints and the Talented Eagles, the Boys ran out of steam in a terrible loss to the Farve-led Vikings. I was so much hoping for a Saints-Cowboys NFC championship. That would ahve been awesome, considering those are both my teams. So yea, oh well. Cowboys out, but the Saints live on, and probbobly have the most ligit chance to win that Lombardi Trophy. Only time will tell. Go Saints...all the way.

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