Wendsday I was running all over the place, literally running from teh bank to the class room to this that and crisler and the office and back to SQouad, everywhere. Then I went I Rina's house with mark and brad and Bethany to make Alex'a cake and that was a bunch of fun at her house especially talking to her awesome mom about everything from basetball an Spanish and growing up to relationships and marrage. Then we got back to the dorms and presented alex the cake and he loved it.

The game was so much fun. First off we were on row 2, and the row in front of us was for big12 media and no one was there, so we were practically the front row. And man did we shout! At the start you could see that we were nervous and scared. But we were able to break their press and make shots and the more we made the more confident we grew until we were outdoing them by a long shot, and so our lead grew. One of the best moments was when their best 3-point shooter elbowed Stu right in the head and got ejected, so it made our cause even more reasonable. But some how the higher seeded Clemson found a way to fight back and I thought we had put it away but we began to play to not win and soonn enought they were within 3 with a minute left and oh the nerve as we finally won! The score does not say much, but we dominated that team almost the entire game.

The game was so much fun. First off we were on row 2, and the row in front of us was for big12 media and no one was there, so we were practically the front row. And man did we shout! At the start you could see that we were nervous and scared. But we were able to break their press and make shots and the more we made the more confident we grew until we were outdoing them by a long shot, and so our lead grew. One of the best moments was when their best 3-point shooter elbowed Stu right in the head and got ejected, so it made our cause even more reasonable. But some how the higher seeded Clemson found a way to fight back and I thought we had put it away but we began to play to not win and soonn enought they were within 3 with a minute left and oh the nerve as we finally won! The score does not say much, but we dominated that team almost the entire game.

That night we were so tired that we all crashed. Friday was pretty chill, mostly involving studying and watching tons of march maddness basketball. We also went to the suberbly nice sheraton where the teamw as staying to chill with our fellow managers.
Then saturday came, oh that epic saturday. We packed up everything and then went to waffle house on teh way. Steve being the big drinker that he is was just pounding that stuff down. I thought he would surely stop when he knew when but I guess not. But we didnt find that out till later. He entered the stadium fine so we thought it was all good.

I just remember us fighting hard every step if the way. We finally got up and at the end we were down by 1 at the half. But by the last like 8 minutes things got bad. Steve was going nuts and acting super drunk. We had to keep him in place the whole time and make sure he got to his seat. But then all of assudent something hit him and he got out of hand. He was falling over and touching people he should be and I ended the last 5 minutes with me pinning him down at the glad. Stephanie tried but I took over again and just pinned him down. He had to pee. So I told the usher I had him and I walked up the long stairs to the top with Steve an the usher behind us. He called first aid. It was so embersssing. He peed and the aid dude came. The usher in the red coat was awesome tying to help us but the aid guy said there was nothing he could do and that since he was intoxicated he had to leave but someone ha to be with him a they walked out. So that was me. And yes, I got kicked out of beautiful sprint center with my team down on the floor comming backfrom half time and down by 1.
We walked outside to the power and light center. He was aweful. We sat there an the game was already in a lot. We were down by like 10. It sucked. There as a lot of red in there. And Steve sat there with his head down and everyone was staring at him. Some 40 year olds were pointing at him and laughing and I was getting sick of it. He tried to get up and I had him sit next to me. He wanted to leave but there as no where to go. He looked miserable. Those people were laughing at him so bad especially since we were loosing and even though they wore oklahome I didn't care. I told Steve to sit tight and he said ok as I went over and told them to shut it and told them the situation and showed them my ticket. Then they felt bad and said they wouldn't anymore. Then I hear someone yell "dude he is puking!" and I turned around and he wasn't sitting on the steps anymore. He was stumbling off in the opposite direction puking as he walked. So I ran after him feeling like such a looser.
He ran out of the facility and I stopped him and sat him down. He was right next to the reporters car. Then the lights busters came over and said he couldn't come back it because of the intoxication. That was the game for me. Corn. But whatever. He stayed there puking down the street drain until the reporter lady came by and disgustingly made us move. So we walked over a few yards and we stayed there, him sitting down puking and me there tryig I get wifi on my phone because I remembered I had my app on my iPhone to watch all the games. It took forever to get free wifi but I got it and started to watch the fame but I'd kept clitchig. I saw manny foul out an a few crappy calls. Then it was disconected for good but I could hear on the speakers that of was over. I checked tbc score an we lost Oklahoma by 10, 73-63. So me and Steve tried to walk back to meet the girls. I had to carry him. We were getting heckled and staired at by so many people it was aweful. But I stood strong and helped him through.
We found the girls and they were all mad. We walked back ad the girls said we got ripped so bad from the reffs. It was like 15-5 foul difference with them. They had big 12 reffs and it was stupid. Baaa. Freakin Ant was the high scorer with 1 points. Manny fouled out with 11 a I saw on my phone and peedi had single digets. We were just getting all these garbage calls which ruined our chances.

We found the girls and they were all mad. We walked back ad the girls said we got ripped so bad from the reffs. It was like 15-5 foul difference with them. They had big 12 reffs and it was stupid. Baaa. Freakin Ant was the high scorer with 1 points. Manny fouled out with 11 a I saw on my phone and peedi had single digets. We were just getting all these garbage calls which ruined our chances. We were getting all the calls against us and the NBA Freak of Nature, Blake Griffen was getting everything. Really really annoying. We had them with 6 minutes left, down by 3, and when you look at the box score you asked what happened...the reffs did not alow us to compete. The killed us. We had very little chance with that type of officiating there in the end. I am not saying we would have won but I do know we would have had a chance for the Sweet 16.
We got back in the car, cleaned up steve and took the long ride back home. I was awake for almost the whole trip. But it was good. I got to talk to the girls about my faith and it was wonderful. We got back at 9:15am. I put my stuff down and went to bed. Got up at 1:30pm. I felt real good. Didn't get any homework done. Dawg, what a trip. Will never forget.
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