The new year is almost done with its first month. Classes are solid, getting the schedual is becoming accustamery, and news is int he air...
First off, I was watching the Australian Open, and wow, haha. I was talking to my roomate albert, who is a powerlifter and looks huge for hsi size, and I was telling him how Serena Williams could probobly kick his butt. He was like, yea, she is big, but naw, no way. Then I turned on the TV and there she was...playing and swinging her raquet...her huge body in glory. She is so huge. Her quadricepts is like the size of Albert´s core, and his core is huge. Holy Cow. So I just want to make all yall aware...that dont take Tennis Female players lightly, they will likely rick your butt. Starting with Serena Williams.

And Guess who won the Austrelian Open this year? You´re looking at her. 12 Single´s Grand Slam Titles and 11 Doubles Grand Slam Titles...her nickname might as well be
Miss Grand Slam.

Something else that is pretty big Least I think so. I got up one morning in Chicago getting ready for the Northwestern game (of which we will not speak of) to find the USA today outside my hotel door. On the front page, I see something detremential. Sure, it is one news story, but it is the mentality that we must be aware of. During the past six years, millions of passengers have flown
on at least 65,000 US Air flights that should
never have left the ground due to maintainance problebmes, the
USAtoday 6 month investigation found. This is a mentality issue. How can we target so much attention on screening tecnology, no fly list, cockpit saftly, and terrorist issues when we have issues of our own! We have piles and pile sof problems, but instead of taking care of
what we can do, we focus on
what we cannot do and put our efforts and attention on it. This is the problem with politics on a national scale, this is a problem in our local businesses and schools, and even at the house. We need to focus on what we can handle and work on dealing with the larger issues. If you let it slip by at home, then it makes sence that 65,000 flights with mecanical problems
that you could have been onboard, have flown in the last 6 years.

So the
iPad came what? Is this gonna be a revolutionary tecnological advancement? Or is this just a pretty boy toy from the pretty boy of all boy companies, Apple. Yes, I am writting this on my black mac book. Yes I have a unlocked and jailbroken iPhone 2G. And yes I use apple software and recomend it. But why on earth create something like a large iPod touch and give it the hype of a $45 million blockbuster hit movie on 3-D? Steve Jobs says it was supposed to hit the gap between phone and laptop. Is there really a gap? Is there a need to fill that gap? What can it the Web, play games, watch high-definition movies, listen to music, dispatch and receive e-mail and read electronic books and newspapers. Alright, that is everything that the iPod touch can do. Ok. What can it do
-It has a bigger screen...ok, not bad. 10inches. Ok. Anything else?
-It has an ibook application that can read books and magazines and newspaper like a
-Can it play flash? No
-Does it have a high speed processor to run different applications? No
-Does it have a camera for web conferenceing? No
-BUT, geuess what? has you can get online as long as there is a internet wireless port in your vecinity. OR you can buy the 3G upgrade capability for $130 extra along with a AT&T $30/month plan to get data anywhere is my big problem.
It is not Creating New Media, or creating anything new in any sence of the is only about
Consuming. And that is the problem I have about it. There is nothing new. Sure, we will see how much of the market it will take from the ebook market, considering the iPad is 2-3 time more expensive than the other competators, such as Amazon Kindle and Sony-s ebooks. Why carry along a laptop, a smart phone AND some big pad. I mean, it looks good, but lack of physical keyboard, no video camera, and limited internet because of disabilities such as Flash leave the iPad as a only so-good type of player. Its good, but only at a few things...that can already be done on your iPod Touch. Yes, you iPod touch. Alright. My iPhone can do everything that that sucker tcan do (minus having to pay for books through the iBook application...I just do it for free). So yea, not me, not my dollars. I wonder to see what happens int he market. This was the worse kept secret for Apple EVER, since people have been expecting it for like up to 2 years. But it is finally here now. And lets see what happens. We will surely be talking about this again in the future.
Last thing, the Basketball team has not been doing well. Losses after lossses. Some have been close, some have been blow outs, such as the Northwestern game. We hope to change things around. Wisconsin, Purdue, and Michigan State have not been pretty losses. Infact, Michigan State hurt SO much because we barely lost, at the very very end of the game. Peedi almost had the out of bounds play of the year, but barely missed. Lets see what we got left.

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