The air is full of change. You can smell it. You can feel it. But what. How. Why. It all started with one conference: The Big Ten. The Big Ten is the oldest and original conference. They announced a few months ago about possible expansion. Rumors began and fire was yet to come. Now we see the Pac-10 looking to expand, the Big 12 might collapse, SEC doesnt know what is going on, the Indipendant pro team might go conference and conference teams might have no where to go.
Big Ten
The Big Ten talked about possible expansion a few months ago to look to even the conference with schools such as Notre Dame Pitt Uconn and Rutgers. Currently the conference has 11 teams as seen in the logo. Penn State came in 1990 to make it odd. With the Big Ten Network, the Big Ten Schools make the most out of any other conference. The BTN alone makes the Big Ten Conference the most valuable of any conference. What does the BT really want? They want to expand their markets. They are looking for a high profile powerhouse football program that has a large and strong following that can command a serious market and that at the same time acheives a high level of academic prestige. No Texas Techs here, nor TCUs. The BT has been talking to Notre Dame for the past few years. They play a great deal already and Notre Dame is in the Indiana region, along with Indiana and Purdue. Its a given its the best school to add bc it would be easy for students to travel were they already go. If Texas came it would be a pain in the butt for small non-revenue sports to go compete up in Minnesota or Iowa where it is freakin cold I can attest. So something that is fine with student scheduals, a school that has high academics, a strong atheltic program, and someone with a national following (high market). Most Liklely they will take Notre Dame Nebraska and Missouri.

Pac-10 wants to expand. They were looking at making their own television network but it didnt go threw. Now, if they expand, there is no exucese. The reports came that they will want 6 of the 12 teams in teh Big 12. Not only would this make a supersize 16 team confeerence, it would destroy the Big 12. They could make a fantastic network that would reach the entire west coast and much of the south. This would be huge, only matched by the Big Ten. The teams of interenst are Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and either Colorado or Baylor (probobly Colorado). Either way taking the Texas/Oklahoma market woudl just be huge. Texas is the golden goose here but Oklahoma and A&M has a large market themselves. Pac-10 aparently doesnt mind taking in lower academic schools, they just want a powerhouse and they want money. Makes sence to me. Is this likely? Sure. I am pretty confedent that they might get at least 4 schools. Texas most likely would go there, altho I wouldnt like it.
Big 12
All they want to do is survive. The Big 12 is consisted of 2.5 powerhouses, Texas and Nebraska with Oklahoma right there, but also who cares in football like Baylor and Kansas State. They also have lower academic schools like Texas Tech. Essentially what we have here are a set of schools that have a large market (State of Texas with Oklahoma) with schools that no one cares about in football or that will not add academic value. If half the conference leaves, there will be no more. Nebraska and Missouri might leave to the Big Ten first. Texas says it wants to stay. All the schools no one wants want the Big 12 to stay too or else they are screwed. Either half the conference leaves to the pac-10 with 2 more at the Big Ten and every one els is screwed, or the two leave and Big 12 add in TCU and Boise, which wouldnt be too shabby either. At this point, survival is all they want.
They already have a great conference that comands the entire southeast and has national prominence in football since teh BCS was adopted. As long as their shine doesnt leave they are fine. LSU Florida Alabama and Georgia are doing great in Football and the only thing would possibly to add a fifth or sixth (Texas/Oklahoma). If that happened the SEC would dominate football...at least till the old school powerfhouses in Michigan Ohio State Penn State and USC came back to their original glory...
What does this mean to

Michigan is a top 25 school and one of the handful of programs that is self sustaining and makes enough money to cover all their expansion projects and still donate millions to the school. It makes a lot with the BTN and they are secure in what they do. Their only really worry is with the Football program to try and get it on national prestige. What would be in favor for Michigan? Add Notre Dame, please. We already play them in everything, but putting them in conference would sweeten the deal. If Nebraska came in, a potential new rivaly between Go Blue and Big Red. If Texas came in...well lets not get our hopes up but that would be legendary between the power of the North vs the power of the South. Blue and Maize against Burnt Orange would be a must see every year. Instant Rivalry. I would love all three teams to join but most likely the first two are more of a reality. As long as they can keep playing Ohio State Notre Dame Michigan State (top 3 rivalries), they are good. Anything added, especially with such emotional national support like Nebraska, theat would add to Minnesota and Penn State thats already there. A Championship game would be great for the league. From what I know inside the Athletic Department, expansion is being meet with excitment and anticipation.
What does this mean to
Notre Dame?

Notre Dame is like a Pro Team in th ecollege ranks. They command probobly the biggest following out of any school in the country. They also make piles of money they dont have to share. Why? Because they are independent in football (big east in other sports). This allows them to have their OWN contract with NBC, giving them millions every year and having EVERY football game on TV, which allows people to become fans and stay fans all their lives.
What do they want? Well, the only way they would go to a conference would be if they make more money with the conference than through their own network. Well, its happening folks. They couild makle more every year with the BTN than NBC. Also, the BCS has told Notre Dame that they cannot participate in any championship games since they are not in a BCS confernece. So sure, they can keep all the Bowl money bc they dont have to share, BUT they cant even compete in the National Championship...so finally capable of the crown AND more money through TV contract? Why not...Notre Dame should go to the Big Ten.
One more thing...IF Notre Dame enters the Big Ten, the Big Ten might say, aight, we got 12 teams, we are even, we can have a championship game now and we just got a national market with one team...thats enough. So Notre Dame might single handidly end the Big Ten expandment, and not only that, doing so would not allow any Big 12 team to leave which might let them stay together and no one leave to the Pac-10. Notre Dame has the keys to the chaos.
What does this mean to

If Notre Dame has one of the house keys, Texas has the other. Texas is like Michigan, they are a top school with top programs in every program, but they also have a fantastic atheltic department, one of the handfulls along with Michigan that actually is in th eblack (makes money), and it commands a national following like Michigan and Notre Dame. But, unlike the others, they have a commanding iron grip on the fate of the Big 12. If they leave teh Big 12 would be no more. Nebraska is looking to leave, the other major following. Oklahoma has a strong football program, but their academics is not on par with other conferences. Texas A&M will wan tto play follow the leader with Texas, as well as Tech but Tech is another school that will only lower a conference's level of academics. Either way, Texas can do whatever they want, but they have said they will not make the next move. If they stay, Big 12 stays, if they leave, it will dissapeare. Three realistic options:
1. If they go to the Pac-10 they can make a powerful West Coast and South Conference that is already looking at making its own TV Newtork similar to the BTN. They could be part of a 6 team pacage making the pac-10 super strong with 16 treams.
2. Second option might be the SEC. They are close and relativly local, so no trips to Orgean or Washington. Thing with that is Texas would have a lot more to play aginsint. If they went to Pac-10 they would be up against USC and Oklahoma. If they go to SEC they would have Florida Alabama Georgia LSU and Oklahoma. A lot more to compete with, which might not be what Texas is used to.
3. Finally they could go to the Big Ten, sealing the Bit Ten as the best conference ever if it has Texas Notre Dame Michigan Ohio State and Penn State. But that will be unlikely bc why would the water polo team really want to leave Austin to go to Ann Arbor to have a match? They rather go to Baten Rouse or something.
4. Lastly, they could stay and hold the Big 12 together. They like being in charge and having the largest value. They could fill vacant spots with TCU or Boise. Whatever happens, Texas will be fine.
-->Aight, thats enough talk. Leave me your thoughs and Lets see what happens.