Simply put...Where DP talks about anything and everything. All you know is that its gonna be rediculous. Thats DPgoodness. Oh Yesss.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
NBA Conference Finals
NBA Playoffs
Alright, so everyone looks forward to the NBA Playoffs. its a great time of the year, when the best basketball players put on their socks and shoes and actually attempt to give a little effort, to break a little sweat, maybe even push a guy. Whatever. The time is here and we are ripe in the series. I just wanna give some note on the remaining teams.
So Lets start with Orlando. They have a good guard, Nelson. They have superman on their team, Howard. They have been plaiying easy Eastern teams all the way up. They are 4-0 in the last two seeries...against Charlotte and Atlanta...ok, no body cares. They finally lost to Boston, a legitamint team. Alright. Go Figures. Dont get me wrong, Orlando is good, they are a good team and made it to the Finals last year where they got smoked by Kobe....but still, whatever. I will be surprised if they make it competative agains the more in depth and more talented and more veteran Boston Celtics squad. They do Have Vince Carter tho, and he's the man. Enough said.
Boston. They are good. They score everywhere. Rhondo. Garnett. Even perkins. Whos that mad man from deep? Ray Allen. Who is his twin that is actually finishing at the rack? Uh, thats Ray Allen Too. Who is the sweat shot? Paul Peirce. Heck, tehy even have Rasheed Wallace making threes and talkin trash! they are playing well, adn more importantly, they are playing smart. They know when to drive in bc the lane is open and they know how to take advantages when everyone crashes and hit the big trey. I see them going to the finals. Legit
The Suns. Oh boy...I have enjoyed the suns tremendosly. The Suns took care of portland in the first round. Eh, whatever, I didnt even watch it. What everyone here in South Texas was waiting for was the southern Rivalry between the Spurs and the Suns. The two have gone head to head almost every year the past 6 years. Holy cow were we in for a surprise. WHo would have ever thought a sweep? I mean, I watched all game 3 AND 4 anticipating the spurs to come back and win AT THEIR HOME. But they didnt! They trie dand triwed and some how Pheonix found a way to stay on top and get these little easy buckets that made all the difference to seal the deal. Now Parker can cry to his desperate wife, ginobili can work on his bald spot, Duncan can get face muscle surgury so he can finally smile, and Hill can figure out he is good, but why play for the spurs. Alright. Back tot he suns. They were dominant. You know who has shown , or has shined so far? The reason they are winning is bcause Stodomire is still There. He makes Steve Nash look like the Golden Boy. If he left, all would be over. However, The cameras are always on Steve Kerr. Let me say something, ladiexs and gentlemen, never listen to the medial when they highlight a former player whos was a superstar in his own right and claim that he is the reason for the success of the team. lets get this strait. RAIRLY, EVVER is a former star or semi star player any good at executive desitions. let players play and decisiton makers make decistions. That is what their specialty is, let them do it. Alright. I feel like Kerr is getting all this media attetntion bc Basketball is trying to find SOMEONE who fits the bill as a great past player that can actually make good decitions, unlike Bird, unlike West, unlike Isaih Thomas, and even, yes, even Dumars. Wayne Gretzky, known as the greatest hockey player of all time was a terrible coach. With Kerr, he media Is like "oh, look at him. how cute. he was so good with jordan and with the spurs. And now he has created this team, a team that has a chance for a title, one that they have been waiting for for the last few years." Oh, como'n. I liek steve Kerr, I really do. Have been a fan for a long time...but as a player. Remember him as a news broadcaster? he was terrible! Spurs down by 8. "Oh, this game is going great! This is a Spurs type of game! This is exactly where they want to be at! They have all the leverage and all the control!..." Enough said. The man was not very good. Now he got promoted to be GM for the Suns...and he does nothing...except not trade one of their players...oh, and get grant hill who is ANCIENT. Alright. Now the suns sweep the spurs, and meet with NBA Champions, the Lakers, and Mr Kerr gets all the credit. makes so much sence. Letws move on
The Lakers. The Lakas. Jobe. kobe Steak. Kobe in your face discrace. Kobe, so much better than Lebron. kobe, the King of it all. Kobe. Kobe. Mr Bryant. Yes, Jobe. Hwe is bac, and he is hot. lets get something strrait...who else was dissapointed in the Cavaleris? Now, sorry for swithcing topics...and also sorry for blate=antly mispelling the caveleris...but frankly I dont care. And I dont know how to spell. Everyone was ALSo hyping that Lebron turned immortal..."Lebron has this look on his face like I have never seen before, some kind of radical determination." "His teammates have sencedd that Lebron's focus has just jumped a few notches." @Lebron knows what his goal is and promises Clevvelenad a great show." He plays hard. he looks different. He actually looks like he cares...for about nine games. They won in thei first round. Dominated. All he has to do is slash every time. And then the lat 2 games...he was looking around at the ceiling adn chewing his freakin fingur enails like he has no car ein the world...what the heck? Where did that bizare turnaround? Why show complete disregard for the anticipation that has been growing for the last few yearas! Everyone wanted to see Kobe and Lebron in the finals...the classic rivalry that has been there with Bird and Magic, Chamberlin and Russel, among countless others. People want tos ee this. its liek the Manny Pacquiao? Floyd Mayweather Jr Fight...people wan tot see it. people want to pay big for it. And everyone knows this match up will define both of them...just like Ali and will define them. And Lebron? "oh, let me think about it for a second, while I chew my nails...wait, is that a ballon stuck up on the ceiling? I hope it dousnt pop. That banner is in the way, damn it, I cant see it anymore. Who put that banner in the first place...wistle, opps, gotta go, Ill answer that during my free throw. Watch this ownage. Wopps." Alrihght. Embarassment. many thought he didnt car.e Many thought he already wanted to leave shaq and the cavs. Maybe he had gotten a phone that night...for some ps3 or something. no body knows. Everybody Cares. If he leaves, we will all be the "Witness" of grand failier. Who cares if he gets 6 rings like Jordan, bc if they aint in Cleveland, then he didnt make the program from nothing to glory like Jordan did in Chicago. Just sayin. Dissapointed. I love to watch this boy when he performs, but he still acts like a little kid. Maybe after all, thats all we should expect.
Now, back to the man of the court. Kobe. He is dominating. he is rediculius.. He brings his team. in. he scores at will. he makes maraculous shots that can only be found in showtime LA. He is -- the man. Check out this vid:
So Kobe is good. We know that. He ios a player now, unlike his earlier, selfish play. He is a well-rounded legend. But he also has a cast of starts to bring him in odem, bynum, Gosal the man from spain who is a legend in his own right, and even the ancient and shinny head Derick Fisher hwo knows his place and can still shoot the rock. The team is so good and they have a great coach, who was not really that good of a player, but found his stint as a coach. Ahhuuuu...anyhow. They are good. They should win this series. Heck, they could beat the celtics for the championship, giving revenge for their defeate two years ago. Who do i think will win the whole thing? Lakers. Close second would be Celtics, they are good enough to win. Who do I wan tto win? The Suns, for sure. I would love for Steve Nash to win the hwole thing. Thing is, this team almost fell appart midseason. If Stoudamire whould have left they would not be in the conference championships. I feel this is the best chance for any of those players to get a peice of the glory. And now that they finally beat San Antonio...well, destiny calls.
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