The Orlando was awesome. We didnt do too hot on the court, but it was awesome. Filled with events and fun stuff and scary stuff, the complete package. But thats what you get when you go on a trip for 7 days, right?
We left tuesday after practice. We were flying comercial, so that ment 20 bags that were around 50lbs. It was fun with a group of 30 walking around in blue suits all over the place. We got to Orlando late, and we finally got to our rooms at the Gaylord Hotel at 11:30, wich ment after getting all our little work things done for the following day, I crashed at 3:30. Then we had to get up early the next day of course and started rollin. That was the story the entire week. Wake up early, roll roll roll, and when the players rest, us managers are getting papers and reports and equipment ready and then we go to bed late. It was the most rediculous Hotel I have ever been in.
Highlight for weds...after going around and shooting at a high school called Celebration (what type of name is that) that had hillbilly music that randomly played every half hour and then the court at milk house, we went to eat dinner at the opening ceremony at Disney Hollywood. One of the funny moments had to be when Ant and Eso were trying to say Pinedo (instead of PiƱedo)
Thursday was thanksgiving, which ment getting up early and eating pregame meal and going over to the Milk House to play at noon against Creighton. Had to carry all them big bags and video equipment and medicals tuff and yea, lots and lots of good ol lifting...but thats what they brought me fore, my muscles. We didnt do too hot and they played very well, so much infact that they brought us into over time where we held on for the win. It was just me and Will on the bench and it was definately a new experience for me. The whole time he was recording plays and getting stats for the coaches while I had to take care of a few stats but mostley running up and down the bench with towels and water and warm ups and then would have to occasionaly go to the locker room to grab stuff as well. It was a lot of fun and I loved boing on the bench with only one other person cause it gives you more room and you feel more vulnerable which is great, I just dont know how Will does it all by himself.
When we got back to the hotel I was able to have a little thanksgiving lunch...which was great and all but we had the same meal like 3 hours after, as if ereyone had digested and stuff. The cowboys won and had a good game, and that was great

Friday we played Marquette and we could ahve played a lot better but they worked harder and just played smarter than us. The loss hurt but at least we knew they were a good team. That night was a lot of fun becaucse me and Adler had an adventure late that night...we took the van and had to go pick up a missing valuable from the milk house late at night. Unfortunatly we didnt get as lost as I hope we would have but that was fun. We even had some hottub fun. All their pools are heated for some reason but hey, that was great for me. I really wanted to go down that kiddy slide so I finally was able to.
Saturday we had our day off. It was like the first day that I didnt have to lift 50lb bags all over the palce. So we woke up and had lots of films and walkthrough. LAter we got to go to Disney and that was a lot of fun. We went on some little roller coster ride.
it was werid going in such a big group to Disney world. Usually when I have gone in the past it was with my family but we would split in half etwee the fast and adventurous and the slow and tired ones. But here w ahd like 40 people all wearin the same thing walking through the palce and all of us over 6 feet. And then people would stll have the nerve to ask us..."Is Michigan here?"...well lady, there are a bunch of big tall people wearing blue stuff that says Michigan on is highly likly that Michigan is here. Goodness gracious. People are so stupid these days. Hahaha. And then we did some other rides and got ripped with one ride, space mountain. Ask me if you wanna hear what happened. Hahaha. But then we left kinda quickly but it was fun. We just went to whatever line we wanted and said "We are Michigan Basketball" and they would give us fast passes and let us go through the fast pass lane was great. We hit 4 rides in 2 hours...rediculous. Greatest part was that we had two quiznos on the bus to the park. And most could only eat one cause we had just had lunch like 2 hours before that. And we were at the park for like 2 hours. And so we eat. We drove like half an hour on the bus and went to the CheesCake Factory and had some big plate food after 8 appatizers and then they ordered us we really went to the cheeecake factory to eat cheese cake. And thing was, no one was hungry! Everyone put stuff on boxes cause we were still like half full from the quiznos.
Jon Adler´s arm is half the size of Coach Jon Sanderson´s arm...hahaha
Then we played games...and oh was that fun. We had about 10 people in my room at once playing NBA2k8 (cause Peedi bought 2k10 but didnt want to he would play all by himself). The gusy were lovin it too. W eweould rotate, 2on2 and it was so fun. Me and Pat Beielein owned like 5 game in a row. Then LAval and Matt and Blacke and even David Merrit would come in and give their go. It was so entertaining...especially when Little Jon said "ok, DP, not tonight. We are studying tonight..." as we are waling down the hall torwars our room. And as he said that one by one a player walks our of their room and starts walking with us with bug smiles on our faces just stairing at us and I just began to crake up so hard, "Hahaha, Jon, that aint happening tonight! Aint happening tonight! Hahahah" It was so funny. And out we rolled. It was great, great great fun.We lost to Alabama who sucked but we sucked even more that day but man that was terrible. never should to lost to freakin Alabama.

I coudlnt beleive we lost to Alabama. But oh well. Good fun night. We had a gamer party in our room that night again and some other stuff went down thats hilarious. Hahaha good night. I htink Jon should get the award for the most artistic and creative as he displays his artwork here...

I coudlnt beleive we lost to Alabama. But oh well. Good fun night. We had a gamer party in our room that night again and some other stuff went down thats hilarious. Hahaha good night. I htink Jon should get the award for the most artistic and creative as he displays his artwork here...
What happened was that Jon got borred and thought that the van was too plain looking. He said, "Dang, all these borring rental cars. This van needs a little more pus on the high way...and it needs a make over...I can do that" . so he precedeed to pul our a hainsaw and added some racing stripes to the side. Hoever, he forgot that he might be a little inexperienced in this area and thus the racing striped came out a little on the weak side...go figure, considering the creator. So yea, ncie stripes, eh?.....what really happened was that he was at the Gaylord pulling out of the lot wile some Xavier manager puleld out and clipped him from the side and scrathed the entire side. Scared the living sht out of him hahaha. But it was a fun night with the guys.
Monday we woke up at 4:30, I ate some of my left over stake and cheesecake, we loaded up the bus and took off to the airport. Dont understand why we got up so early since our flight wasnt till like 9. But we got on the flight and I had to study hard coure for my sport law exam. Best part was I crammed all that night right before it and took it tuesday morning even tho I was dosing off and sleeping the whole exam. I kept waking up all of assuden and painfully finished it right before the time was up and got my first ever A on an exam...a 93. Yesssss...
I will always remember this trip. So much fun and so many experineces. So I would say the trip could be put in three words: lifting, food, sleepless...awesome.

I will always remember this trip. So much fun and so many experineces. So I would say the trip could be put in three words: lifting, food, sleepless...awesome.