Monday I had my men´s group and that was really good. All of them but me and Mark went on the trip to Mexico so they were tellingus about it and how much fun it was. Too bad I didnt go, but my work here was good and necessary and heck I can go to mexico for a fraction of a cost that they went.
Tuesday I was able to hang ut with my boys Mikey, Stu Dougless, and Zack Novak at outback and we had some good good times. I tell you what, Novak is hilarious. A lof of peple know him as a hard basketball player, but outside the cout not only oes he shrink 2 inches but he is descivious and funny as heck. It was great.
Weds the quest began for the salsa routine. The following week was UCOffee and Mark had the genious ide of getting me and him and Rina and Brad´s girlfriend Bethany to do a salsa routine. We are all pretty good at salsa and we all enjoy it so it worked out. Mark had to teach me this rountine that was pretty intesnce and there were so many spins and moves it was great but a little tricky to memorize and even worse to keep on the beat. Rina and me and the openeing routine and it was sweet.
Thursday was Mark´s birthday. He turned 20. Wow, very old. And what is worse is that in less than a moneth I will be 20 as well. Haha. SO in honor of the man who like to "lets get drink!", we took him to a pub in Dexter only to get to see the seniors drink and nun for us young bioys. So what did we do for hisb birthday? We locked him in the trunk as we drove half an houir to dextor. He liekd the firt minute of it and then it got old real fast, but too late, there was no room in the front and he was already inn there. It was the 5 pentadudes with the addition to our 6th man, Alex Killpatrick. Good times, and the watress was really nicw over there at the pub. Very relaxful. That spot in Dexter reminded me of Fredricksburg in Texas, but not as Texasny, jsut real homey. It was a good time and we got to Honor mark there. I ordered this like pinapple burger and then I got a burger that was real good but I didnt realize tll I was half way done that there was no pinapple! I was just that hungry and it was that good. But then the waiter came by and weas like, we gave the wrong burger. She gave me the real pinapple one and he asked for the other one that was half way done. I was like, do you really want this? I caught her off guard and she was like, well, not really. SO I kept it. Thats how you do thiongs. I teel you what, haha. Good night.
Friday things only got better. It was dodgeball night. I got back latef rom basketball and Mark was in charge wof the dodgeball night with UCO with Bethie to help him, but at the same time he had his birthday dinner with his parents that night at 6 and the dodgeball was at 8. BUt they didnt come by to pick him uup till 7:20, and he was pissed. But he had to go, and then gave me the reaigns to go. ANd I was like, what? I am in charg eof what? I am playing call of duty online and you want me to do waaa??? But its all good. In like half an hour I got like 8 phnoenc calls and then was told to make a mix tape and then to dress up and then alex came by and left and then Rina came by to help me out and then we ended up dressing the exact same, that was my costume. Over there it was ultimate frenzy. I had so much fun. I just dominated it was so good...unitl I would have some fun and get in the front and be stupid and then I would get out and and I was done for cause we didnt have guys wheoo were good at catching. We had a wak night. And then it started to get late, so we called a best of 3 match. And it was war. In the first we fought and fought and then they wereable to take over and get the momentum and they beat us. In the second we started going and the same thing happened. They had like 9 and we had 3 and they were just going and the next thing you know we catch one and the MVP came back in and it was all over! That was mee by the way, cause when I came in I motavated my team like no ones business and I just started to launch the, suckers and getting one at a time out. The last girl was from hindsdale and she was justblocking all my shots. I was chugging the, hard too and my elbow started to urt. But then we finally got her. Then it was the tie beaker 3rd round. ANd it was going good, reall good, so good in fact that at one point we were loosing some and I hit a big basket by landing a ball in the basketb on the other side of the court and all our people came back in and we took over and won. What a dramatic come back from behind for the win! And then I got to talk to Jon and Ashley and RIna and a few others and it was great. But it wasnt over...not by a long shot.
Unofficially, I drove Rina´s car on the ski trip. Well,s he said never again and commented on that she has never let someone drive it before and she was scared about it. SO I tried totake her keys, and in the fun she gave me half of her keys, the part that didnt have her car key. Clever, but dont worry, I get her back. SO we are in, a car of 4 girls and one dude, and wehre having a good time and I atp her horn and stuff and it was great. Well, they drop me off at south quad, but in my sleek illusionist style, I keep the keys and go bck to my room....yeah. Well, I get this call liek 20 minutes later from this super angry Rina..."Do you have my keys!?..Maybe...I am outside my house and I have no keys!" Hung up...woops. My bad, hahaha. Then I get this death treat text from Bethis saying "do not go to bed"...oh dear. So I am there in my room for a while, desciding not to shower yet to see what goes down. I am there reading the news paper 40 minutes after I get that text and then I see Rina and Bethie storm into the room looking super mad and demand the keys. I point over to my desk and the storm out. Not to bad, I htought, I didnt even have to put down the paper...and then they stpor in at full speed with cans of silly string in their hands and it was all over! They just covered me all over and it was just all over the floor and coach and my hair, but with my ultimate strength I was able to pin them down on the coach and take them off . It was great until mark came and tackled me and let them finish spraying. y then I was too tired. It was rediculous, especially cleaning that all up.
Saturday we had liturgy of the hours and that was reallygood and then we went to eat at Franks, this little resturant where this short guy named frank makes every single meal there ver. It is really well known, but it was my first time there. It was great fun. Will Cannon´s parents came by and I explained to them the importane of Michigan basketball. I also used some of my moves to steal both Ahsley´s and Kevin Daulburg´s cell pones several times. Speaking of Kevin, he had this ideaof making a video for UCOffee about the awekwardness of dating and wanted me to star in it, which means nothing of my abilities of course. So we filmed there some and it was goood. Then The game against Minnesota started and I followed the first half on my phone. I got Kevin to drop me off at Crisler to watch the rest.
Now lets look at the significance of this game. This game was a must win. Minnesota was a good team. We beat them at home by 20. But they are still good. The Barn, where they play, is one of the most difficult adn whild place to play in all the nation. The floor is lifted up so that the players are sitting on the bench as if it was a dugout in baseball. It is big and packed and loud, and they have an excelent streak. Also, this team was 30-1 with a lead in the half at home. And that is how it was, us down by 1, at the half. But then comming back formt he half, they took off, absolutely took off. We were down by liek 16 and I saw trouble. I thought our team would step it up, I was for sure that we wouldnt let this slip from our graps. I started to get intence in the game, feeling like i was grinding every point as they were. And finally we had our run and came back and Lavel made a few shots and we caught up. With a few minutes left we tied and then took a 2 point lead. Then Manny hit a gutsy 3 pointer and we were up by 5. Then by 3. And with a few seconds left, Wallbrook took the ball past half court with 4.1 seconds and at that moment the coach calls a timeout as Wallbrook took a step back from CJ and made a nothing but net 3pointer! But the timeout was called before! So we got lucky with that 3 not counting. Would the coach be regretting the timeout? I dont think so. ANy coach would call a time out there and he should not be hit for the call. But either way, They inbounded the ball and Novak did a good job of keeping Wesbrook infront of him who actually lost he ball and the time expired. Wow. What a close finish. Wonderful, we finished our season with the one thing we couldnt do all year: winning a big conference road game. Wonderful.

Oh, and what do you think to T.O getting "laid off" from the Cowboys? Wild...
1 comment:
This was sweet couple weeks bro, thanks for chronicling it all! You sir, are an expert cake maker and somewhat... exasperating . We'll get our coffee in sooner or later.
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