Second of all, Basketball. Belein and the other coaches can only hav e a grand total of 3 hours with all the players a week till October. So they usually break up into 3 groups and have 3 one our seccions throughout the week. Besides that they still have conditioning, lifting, open gym, open shooting, and agility workouts. So its not so light for the players and us managers, but it is definately not going to get any lighter. We have had these basketball tailate parties for the home games so far for the recruites too. Last week against Maiam of Ohio, us managers actualy (yes, pop, actually) got to eat. We ended up winning an ugly victory, but at least we won. I have no idea what the future of our football team for this season is. Our quaterbacks are weak and we have virtually no offensive line, and because of that, our small, inexperienced running backs suffer, and our lousy quarterbacks dont have enough time to make descent passes to open running backs which makes our punter and defence be on the feild way more than they should. Anyhow, now that I get this off my checst, we will see what happeneds against Notre Dame on the 13th.
School...yes, school. I did come here for school. Thats too bad, because after all the fun at the welcome week and after meeting people from all over, you get reminded that the whole reason you came to Michigan in the first place is because of school. And this school...is hard, hard as climbing a steap cliff ful of broaken class bottles with your hands tied and blindfolded, only to fall off the cliff because only 1/4 of the climbers are gaurenteed to make it, just like only 1/4 of the students who take econ are gaurenteed to make an A, only to watch the rest either bleed to death in thier frutless yet vain effort or faint in disbeleif of the hardship and just tumble down the cliff into obivion. Yes, that is the situation we have here at Michigan, where every one of our programs is in the top 10 percent. Yeah, enough said.
Church. I have been busy with many of what Nacho would call, "churrchy aporrrtunitees." I have done a lot for both University Christian Outreach and St Marys Student Parish combined. I have invited people from from UCO to St Marys and St Marys people to UCO, and people to both of them all over. I have also attended a modern non-denominational church one sunday with two new great friends that also are Will from Atlanta and Ashley from North Carolina, who are now both in the UCO/St Marys loop with me. Wahahaha. Anyhow, I have meet so many people from everywhere, including...

The Table Tennis Club. Thats right, I am appart of the table tenis club, and I will tell you what, they will rock your socks. Like literally. You will be so up in arms in their goodness, you will just want to take off your socks and throw it at them to stop them from spinning the ball everytime. I mean, you do want to actually touch the ball when you swing it, instead of completely missing and looking like a fool on crack every time you play! Baaa. But those guys are aweome. Probobly one of the nices sets of athletes, and quite humble for that matter, are table tennis players. I brought my racket and my confidence from winning that IM TACUCC tournament but it was useless. Haha. these guys are good. And they are from all over. Bobby, Andy, David, Wimpao, Tai, Wang, Clemons, Mike, and a few other dudes with names I cannot pronounce were there. I had one grand of a time, and I will hopefully be able to hit 1 or 2 of there 3 times a week meetings. Awesomeness.
I also started to read a book called Beyond Glory. It is the epic story of Joe Luis and Max Schmeling´s boxing battle of the world in 1938 when all Nazi Germany and all the about to be conquered world watched as the 2 went head to head for one of the most important sports contest ever. It is ranked in the top 5 sport contests of all time. Wow. Yeah, so I am attempting to read it, slowly, but surely. And I hope to be finished with it some time in March. If I finish before that would be a bonus, but I have to keep my goals realistic here, haha.

Well, for right now, that is all that is occupying my time. I could go into how hard the romance language department is too get a spanish class moved from one time to another, but I will save you guys from that pain that I had to suffer physically and that you in no way want to experience by reading about it. I am currently taking a spanish class, an econ class, two philosophy classes, and a sport management class. Yes, very varied, but that kinda helps too. Unfortunately I have 3 classes on friday which blows compared to my 0 classes on friday last year. But its all good, just keep me more busy!
People, stay in touch, leave comments. Please pray fro a successful year in the class room and on the basketball court for my men. Also, keep prayers for the Overton case which is going through some considerations for another trial, and for the Hurracane Ike which is supposed to hit South Texas. My family lives in Corpus Christi on the Gulf of Mexico and my cousins and grandparents live in Houston. So we will see what happeneds. Anyhow, leave me a message and cheers! -DP
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