The man was smart enoug that he thought the market needed commpetition. Thus he did not one team owning the market, like Kobe Bryant in the NBA. He did not want a monopoly like Microsoft.

BUT, sports is different. Sports can break all the rules. of course,c asue its sports, and its fun, right? So Sports CAN collude, CAN control, and CAN monopolize. All the teams work together to make a league and keep others in the same sport out of the market. They also allow owners to work together and talk about prices and how they will draft and all that crazy stuff that would be illegal in any other context! But they do it...and get away with it...and have actual labor law exsemptions from the US Supreme Court. So its pretty legit geting away with type of stuff. The only stuff that really has any weight in gold. The logic???...that its pro-competative. So if hitting my brother in the face is pro-competative because it it builds caracter and caracter means a better person thus more competition in this world...then do it! And that is the message of the day...as long as it is pro-competative, you can get away with everything. YeeHawww!