This game was super sweeet! I left early saturday morning. We got there and met a few people from the community and then we went out to find out tickets. The way it works there is that a student ticket is built into the student ID card. So when you go buy the ticket you are actually borrowing the ID. So we did that and then we went to the stadium. But ti took forever since the place was so freakin big! Its huge! It remindes me of TEXAS A&M cause its so freakin big. But we alas got there to the stadium.

Allison and Kevin
State Fans getting Drunk!

I am going to own this place. me and my Maize
Kevin is about to attack that green stadium haha
There was a lot of trash everywhere, really unbeleivable especially considering how much we take care of our Michigan Stadium. Then we launched areselves up to the top of the stadium and it was getting LOUD. We jsut scored the first 3 points. We got way up there and just mingled with all these green fans. it was hilarious to see how drunk all these fans are, and this is in the midst of much more rigorous enforcement my officers there and the entire undergraduate student population were all swaying in unison. And it was cold! It wa cloudy and windy and then threw the game it began to rain every time we got the ball in the 4th and every time we scored it would stop an the sun would come out because God was happy with our scores. But that didnt come too often and was saved for the end...

The entrance to the student section was well, uh...stinky
way too much adverstizing and sponsorships at the game. felt like I was at a minor league baseball game holy cow

Then there was the game, oh that game. We played bad. Actually, that is an understatement. We did not play at all. we were just watching the big screen and looking at the grass and then feeling cold and wet and probobly calling up to the press box every now and then. Perhaps checking our fantasy teams.
We were doing everything but playing football. It was terrible. Any because of that the Spartans worked themselves up, point by point, untill it was 20-6. This was probobly the best part. They were going nuts every time they scored like "Wow! We are actually winning! Yea, you suck, Michigan! You guys are terrible! Take that!.....oh no, what is going on, why are they letting us do that. Nonono! This is just gonna hurt so much more when they come back and beat us at the end like they always do...why are they lettting us run ip the score like this? Corn. This is not good. This is going to hurt like jimmy sitting on a catfish." That is exactly what they said. They were happy and then sad, went up hi, and then crashed low when they realized the reality of the situation. And then it happened...with about 4 minutes left in the game, we made a very important desition: We descided to play. And so we did, and we dominated, and with 4 minutes we ralled back in super hero fashion, slashing ourway threw without contest. It began to pour rain like no ones business, and that big curtain of rain came and just poured buckets on us freezing fans and daring heros on the field. But we perceviered. And in brilliant and story book ending, we scored the game wining touchdown with 0:02 on the clock. And to everyone´s expectations
and horror, Michigan was back int he game...just like everyone knew was going to happen. That was what made this game so memorable. i have never seen this before, such utter attitude of defeatment, pushing the giant bear while he is asleep, laughing at him all he wants, and then when he rolls his big head and wiggles his nose, the little drawf sheaks in horror. But he hasnt even awoken. Our damage has been done; we have done our intimidation. Unfortunately the giant bear let the dwarf get away as we lost to ourselves, throwing a terrible interception in the end zone to loose the game. But dont worry, that big bad bear will be back, and it will crush that dwarf with the heal of his foot. I am done.
Video Highlights
My buddy there wearing #83, Conover
Watch the score get worse
and then go back
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