-Organizational Behavior of Sports Businesses
-Strategy of Sport Businesses
-Economics of Sport Businesses
-Legal aspects of Sport Businesses
-and Rocket Science
the classes are all 3 credits which makes it nice and I even have it set in my schedual so that I can lift three times a week at Crisler when there is no one there. Really nice. Check out my first vid of my new appartment:
Anyhow, lets get to some action. If you remember last time I wrote about the Notre Dame hype. Well, incase you were sleeping in a cave or living ont he dark side of the moon, we won. And we won again and again. The hoosier game was pretty intence, with us comming up from behind and winning in the end amist Forcier hurting his shoulder. Of course after The Notre Dame game Forcier somehow managed to get one vote for the Heisman running...yea, 2 games into his FRESHMAN year...of course. But Whatever. Here are two vids I took at the stadium. Exclusive from the Video. Brought to you by DP Productions.
The Battle of the bands
Michigan pumping up
Now for some more news. You heard about the boxing fun from last post. Well, the specs are out and the fight generated and astonishing $1million pay-per-view buys, which is great for boxing: people are interested. The fight generated $54million in domestic pay-per-view revenue and the live gate made $6,811,300, generated from 12,009 tickets sold. Who´s more efficient?...well, haha yea. Always better to see live but ya know, it comes at a price.
But more exciting Boxing news...after 16 year,

And the last bit of news before I start writing the next post haha...the Batmobile. Thats right. I think I have written before about Batmobile type vehicles but this is like pretty much the real deal. It is a $1 million 700hp Batmobile, right in Bruce Wayne´s budget, built over a 1973 Lincoln Continental chassis, and looks rediculously amazing. Too bad the vid didnt show its interior, which apparently is loaded with gadgets, from rear-view cameras to a plasma TV. Anyhow, enjoy the end of this post with this farewell vid. And comment, babby! You too chin! Thanks!
And the last bit of news before I start writing the next post haha...the Batmobile. Thats right. I think I have written before about Batmobile type vehicles but this is like pretty much the real deal. It is a $1 million 700hp Batmobile, right in Bruce Wayne´s budget, built over a 1973 Lincoln Continental chassis, and looks rediculously amazing. Too bad the vid didnt show its interior, which apparently is loaded with gadgets, from rear-view cameras to a plasma TV. Anyhow, enjoy the end of this post with this farewell vid. And comment, babby! You too chin! Thanks!
I share a love/hate relationship with virtual memory because of the way prices are always,and I domean always dropping. I hate buying SDs for my R4 / R4i at (seemingly) a crazy bargain price only to see it become 10% cheaper a couple of weeks later.
(Posted by Nintendo DS running [url=http://knol.google.com/k/anonymous/-/9v7ff0hnkzef/1]R4i[/url] NextPost)
Interesting article you got here. It would be great to read more about that topic. Thanx for giving this data.
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