This saturday is independence day, so when I went to work at the ticket office pretty much everything for friday and saturday was sold out. Kinda nice. Worked ont he window all day and then the game was pretty packed. Tonight was 80s night so I used papa´s tennis stuff and looked like a doof, and of course, I was stuck at prise wheel all night, and that sucked. Hahaha. I knew that the night we had to dress up and that I would be only one of the few to dress up, I would be stuck behind prise wheel...it happens
Saturday was busy again. Worked all day at the ticket office. Serina Williams beat her older sister in two sets. I was hoping that it would havegone longer and that Venus would ahve won, but whatever. THe next post will be on Wimbleton Tonight was the 4th of July game, and we have been sold out of this game for about 2 weeks. I had to teel so many people that all we had left were the general admission berm seats, and dang did we sell a lot of them! My family even came,a nd that was the first time all year that they come to a game together. The game was packed but it was fun. Kind of relaxing really. We lost the game but that was fine, because the ending was the best part. At 9:30pm, when we were at the top of the 9th inning, the city fireworks start going off on the other side of the bridge. The launch them there by the USS Lexington, a retired air craft carrier. So they had to stop play on the firld because of the distraction to the players. The fireworks were allright, same old lame corpus stuff: slow, big and boring. THen the game ended and I went downt o the bleachers to watch these ones. And then they go off, and they were so much better! So so so much better, dang it was cool! I love our fireworks; I jsut stair up at amazment, I love it! And then the flocks of people left and there was so much traffic outiside after I got out, well, I had to sit around for half an hour before I was able to take off and I was still bumper to bumper traffic on my bike for another 20 minutes before I was free again. What a night. I am still puzzled why we celebrate July the 4th as Independence day, as the Declaration of Independence was ssigned the 2nd. Hmmm. Anyhow, it feel on a Saturday this year and it worked out perfectly. Maybe they should switch it to the 2nd next year like it should be and it would be on a Friday. Pretty good idea, eh?

Ok, people, lets not get so serious all the time. Lets go for some news. Anyone ever wanted a sweat bike, like a motorcycle? Like my motorcycle? What about a bike that was fast, like a real bicycle but that just had like a motor on it, say, like Edy´s CC MotoBike? What about something more misterious, like a rocket, like something that could launch you into oblivion?...
...well, now you can, this the new Jet Bike that just became avaliable for a cool $1200, and you know thats cool considering how cool it will make you feel when you launch by cars at extrodinary speeds while being on the sidewalk. Not talking about how cool it would be to drive up to that next party with two giant thrusters on either side of your weels...now all you need is a second seat to cary that girl with you and your all set!

I like the shorts
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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