Once I got back I put everything in a higher gear. Started to get my stuff ready for the camping trip. I started to pack and get everything ready. I am going to gardner state park and apparently its a really nice place. Then I went ot pick up Edy and Jake came over after work to shower. We ate dinner and then took offWe drove a long ways all the way to pfluversville, Texas, but not before getting lost and going in the middle of no where. If we would have found a little kid walking with a doll or something we would have crapped in our pants and died of a heart attack, it was that scarry out there. There were only dry corn fields and bushes that were encroaching the woods. There was absolutely nothing out there and we knew were were going the wrong way, especially when we found out we were at "Fuchs Grove"...yea, it was that weird. But we crashed and slept good at Edy´s Uncle, Derik´s house. Its a nice house in the middle of no where, a little subdevision. We slept hard but short cause we had to get up again soon haha
So we took off int he morning and had to use old school maps. We ate a little breakfast and that was fun. And then we had to drive through Austin again and we descided to round off san antonio and then we got closer and closer and then we got lost in this one small town because edy said to go strait and we went off the map into this guetto village place and he said keep going trust me and then we got through this bridge over water into a dead end. Thanks. But Jake found it. we finally found gardner state park and then we descided to get some food. Edy said he knew of this place that was a little off. Well Edy gave us another huge detuer with him saying, tust me guys its over here I swear, when I thought we should have gone in the other road that was approaching a small town. Well we finally do turn around and we find th eplace. What do you know.
Then we have tog et in line to get our reservations and we made it to the camp ground. Pretty modest little spot with a fire spot, a bench, a trash pole and a water faucet. Yea. So we first piched tent which turned out to be pretty easy and then we went to the lake.
THen we went to the lake. We were there for about four hours and it was a bunch of fun. THe water was vey low because there was no rain in like forever. The water was warm and it was shallow enough that you could touch the rocks at most places with your feet. Me and Ed had fun witht his really high rope swing. Edy coudlnt get enough. Then we watched some guys climb these trees super high and then jump down. Two kids did back flips off of them. Tjhere was this one guy who went up there and then sat there at the top for a while. THen he turned around to moon everyone and then let go after everyone started to laugh at his white butt and he landed hard on his back. It was pretty entertaining I must admit. THen we met some girls that lived in Sheperd, Texas and most of them were ging to A&M and that was cool talking to their fun experiences at the park. THen we took off ourselves back to our palce. Edy made a fire becuase he was persistant that he needed to make one. We said wait till alter, but he said he rather have the hot embers so when we came back we could just wiff them up and have a blaz. That was until some random dude told us to put out the fire because park people were making their rounds looking for fires. So Edy had to put it out...so much for that.
We ate a little and we had a good time talking. Then we dressed to go dancing. And this is where it got fun. We left at 9:15ish and got there and went in at 9:30. There were a lot of people, a LOT OF PEAOPLE. We wer elucky to find a quick place to park. We went in and took a few scans of the place. Tons of girls. I ran into this one girl who was all out texan. Started to talk to her and I told her things about Michigan and bla bla bla and then she was like, so you dont know the two-step? No I dont...well, let me show you! Ok! Haha, so she took me out and she showed it to me and it was a lot of fun. The next thing you know I was all over the dance floor nailing that Two-Step down. It was awesome.
The rest of the night we just hung out at the tent and talked about good times. It was already really late by this time so we were exausted. But the weather was much nicer and dang it was a good bonding time. The next morning had to get up at 8 and get ready to leave. We cleaned up everything and tore down the tent and then we left for Corpus. The ride back was a lot smoother and then I went to work. it was great considering the last time I had a ligit shower not inculding the river was 2 days ago. But it was awesome and so was the game. Yea, it was great, great trip. about 800 miles in two days. Want to go again.
Too early to get up...and who´s fault is that??
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