Well, June looks like an awesome month. I am super exited. I went to work from 9-5 Monday and then went to basketball camp at ACA. Man, all those kids need so much work on all the fundamentals its not even funny. Its liek starting from Zero, and although I have learned a lot with how to start teaching, I have not learned everything. I had to keep working on the kids with their shooting over and over again and it was nuts. Its pretty lame and you cant get much lower, but I have to learn and this gives me great hand on experience as its only me and Coach Long here. Tuesday was much better than Monday. The kids new the drills we were doing and all of them were night and day difference! Their dribbling is so much improved it is amazing! YOu would never have thouht they had just started to learn to dribble! Over all it was a really fun camp for me to teach in. I cant wait to do the one in Michigan.
Another thing is that the Moody/Callalen game was just announced this Monday morning to be played at Whataburger field so I had non-stop calls all day asking about it. I hope it doesnt hurt my riding lessons. Last Thursday I regristered at www.coastalcycleacademy.com to taking the riding courses held there at Whataburger field from June5-7, Friday through Sunday to get taught on how to ride a bike safelty and to not have to take the riding part of my liscence exam. And I am going to take it with Austin Arce. So yea, I will be packed, from Monday to Sunday, all fun in the sun. Loaded with Basketball and Bikes, it cant get much better than that...
Thursday was a nutty day. Got to Whataburger field at 8:30am. From 9-5 I sold tickets non-stop, literally non-stop. I sold 2,211 tickets and made over $10,200 dollars myself. Overall we sold over 17,000 tickets in one day with 5 of us working and over $54,000 in cash alone. Dang. We sold out of the thursday game at 1:58pm. We sold out of Friday´s game at 6:40pm. For the record, I was the only one who called that both games would be sold out. no one else beleived and and thus told people we would not soell out. But we did and they were surprised and people were pissed, but i expected it haha. I was exaustd.
....................................................... MORTICYCLE FUN
Friday I had my first motorcycle class and that was really cool. At first it felt really guetto with all the poeple in it but then it felt good. Arce was super pumped. I was super pumped. Today we wernt from 6-9:30pm int he classroom only learning about the bike and correct procedured and pretty much the basics. Covered 3/5ths of the book. It was exciting!
Saturday I was soo pumped! I staed the night at Arce´s house and got up at 6:30. We left at 6:45. You can tell how excited Austin is at getting up that early.
We drove to the gass station there by the park to grab some grub and energy drinks and went to the parking lot. I was so exited to see all them bikes out! I got this funny helmet and with my shades I looked like a cop haha. I got the cool black biek that was the only black bike in my section.
Austin in the Silver Bike Tehre were two sections and we had austin, me and big Dan which was really cool and this dude from california who was older and owned a sweet cruser and another older guy who had a nice harley and was also very nice. And we had this girl who was terrible at riding bikes and I have no idea why she would come out here. She just seems out of place. The epidemy of a coprus christi hispanic lady. Terrible. But my groupw as aweosme and everyone had silver bikes but me and apparently the black bike had an easier time changing gears than the silver. And I did really good. Austin semi dropped his like 2 times and stalled all the time. I stalled once. The girl dropped it like 3 times. But I kicked butt and it was sweet. Confidence, baby, thats all it takes.
We rode all types of test manuvers and it was really good. I was getting really comfortable ont hat thing. Then we had a break and me and Asutin and another random dude went to this pizza buffet place by A&M Corpus. We got back to the classroom 10 minutes late and exausted and sunburned...well, jsut me on that last one. We finished up the book and after me telling people, we took the writtene xam and I would have made 100 if I didnt switch the definition of T-CLOCS and some over FLICS or something. Pfff. So yea, 48/50 thus 96%. Pretty good. Then me and Arce left super tired but super exited. I got back to my place and chilled and slept like a baby.
Check out the sunburn
Sunday morning Austin woke me up at 6:03am and then I drove to pick him up at 6:40 and we heard Wendle and Yakin to the place. We got here early, jsut us and the instructors. Then on the bikes and after a warm up that was very necessary, I took off and it was so much fun. We did some more tests. The box figure 8 was really tough for me. Had to remember to have a sharp head turn and to turn the handles AND lean AND counterballance. AND to take my time fully engaged in the first gear. Pretty tough but I was glad I made it without dropping. Also had the racing line turn and swerve and stopping fast and stopping in a turn and going over objects ect.
Change of helmets-full face
But in the end of our excersises, the cool older man who had a harly stopped after one of the last ones and stopped next to our lady and then his foot got caught on the only 500 that was in our section and in his attempt to get his left foot uncaught, he leaned to his left and since he was trying to jump off, his leg got caught in an ugly manner and that heavy bike broke his leg good. His tibia was puncturing his skin. Nasty. Sucks hard cour. He probobly wont ride that harly of his for 2 years. Dang that sucks. So the firetruck and the ambulance came took him for good. His name was Paul I think. Lord bless him. Then we finished up the remander and then took the test. i was really confident, I admit. The first 2 were the box figure 8 and the swerve. The figure 8 I did weel but not as well as one of my practice ones because my head was not turned all the way which I needed to do. But I coudlnt see the line I was supposed to stay within very well adn one of them was a bit round so I missed 5 points on that. The thurd test was the hard stop. THe girl was right behind me...big Dan, me and then her 123. But when she stopped after the swerve she killed the bike after not doing a complete stop. Then moving it she killed it again. Then she dropped it. I had to pick it up for her so that she could get back on. THen She couldnt start it. Then she killed it again. I have no idea how she passed. She should have failed. She should have causet eh rules say if you drop, you fail. Heck, she even scored higher than me, goodness gracious. Shows again how tests mean nothing. Or very little. The last tet was the fast racing line turn and I couldnt see the blue line but since I was afraid of getting too wide I eased off on the 2nd gear a little, never let go of the trottle but eased just a bit and I got 6 points off for that. Pfff. My two errors were due to lines I could not see. And so I missed 11 points. Yes, I got an 89, a freakin 89. I was very upset. Very upset. She said I did good but I said not good enough. The frekain lines. She said herself they were hard to see,a dn if they are hard to see for her, I cant see them Yo! I told Austin he did better than me on the test. He was like naw, I couldnt ahve done better. But then he got a 92. And he began to brag aout it in my face hard core and rub it in. Pff,f the freaki lady got a 92 too as well. Garbage. But whatever, I did the best within my abilities and that is all that maters. ...and it was fun
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