Me and Austin, now that we were done with our Saft course, went to get out liscnece. We got to the DPS at 10:50am. We were there till 1:50pm. I finally took my test, and after a 3hour wait and a 5minute test, I passed easily with 14/16 and Arce failed...and he was pissed. He punched the door open hard and threw his white ockleys on the pavement, smashed them with his foot, and kicked them away. He was pissed. I dropped him off and went to see Edy. But Ihad my licence. No more of this 89, 92 crap. Because 89 made it and apparently 92 isnt good enough. Arce said he got hard questions. I told him out of allt eh questeions, one was covered in the class and one was in the book that I read. THe rest I had to figure out by thinking what a stupid person would do. And I made it through easily. But whatever, I thought it was pretty funny.
I finally got a the phone number for a Bike in Taft that I was looking at. He gets out of work at 7:30. He lives in taft. Wife knows nothing aboutthe bike. One other person interested. I told her that I would call when I got to taft and we would meet up. I wanted to check out the bike and planed to ride it to see how solid it was and I would hopefully have the money. So I was really excited and Edy was too. I talked to Austin about it and tomorrow I will go with him and his dad.
Tuesday I went to check out the 1987 Suzuki Intruder in taft. I was able to get Mr Arce to help me out. He was willing to take a look at the bike as well and drive it back if I bought it. Arce finally got his liscence that moring so we went to CCmotoplaza to check things out, usless stuff that we didnt need. Then Me and arce and covey went to Mr Arce´s job in portland and met this woman who was a big michigan fan. The plan was to meet with the woman and her husband, at 7pm. We went to Mr Arce´s old house and met his other. She lived in a tiny house with no air conditioning and next to a corn field with an our house. She made us some great eggs and it was really good. Thenw e went over the block were the guy lived. I jumped out of the car super excited. There was the family, pretty lame family outside all waiting to see us come. The bike was looked a little beat up and the battery was pluggd into a power cord, which was not a good sign. It looked really old and worn down, like it had been just sitting there forever. He said we might have some problems starting it, and sure enough we had to push it to get it to start. Not a good sign. But Dang, it was loud! Loud as heck! Haha wow! I havent heard something so loud and mean in forever! I really liked the sound, even though the pipes were small and stock.

Mr Arce drove it first and said the brakes werent really good and that I had to down shift. Well, they were terrible, the front ones didnt work at all! I ahd to sweaze both as hard as possible and downshift fully and it still wouldnt work! Terrible. But, oh, what the feeling, it was incredible! Nothing better than just giving it some smooth gas and just cruzing at 20-30mph and just feeling the freadom! It was outstanding! THe seat was so comfortable and it just felt so so good to be going, with the noise and the breeze and the handlebars, I just felt at home on that bike, truely did. Unfortunately the bike had way to many problems, and we would have had to change the carbinators, drain the fuel and refuel, work on the starter, get a new battery, and maybe replace the entire front brake system. So in the end, it would cost me more to repare than to buy it. That was the estimation. So after everyone was telling me to get the bike with loud enthusiasm and build it up and fix it and make it my own, everyone was shouting not to get it. So I didnt and left. And I was disappointed, I wont lie. The add said it works great and I was lied and dissapointed. I was let down. The guys said to be of good cheer. Another bike would show up soon.
Well we were driving down Crosstown south and we see a bike shop that Mr Arce knows off adn we stopped buy to see if the guy had a bike for me. The guy was real shaddy and plump int he middle and a fast talker. He was testing this sports bike and came by really fast and then blasted the front brakes and did a manuel and then landed hard. The dude was insane. He showed us this nice Honda Shadow, 1999.

It was his friend´s bike but he had to go back to mexico and said after 6 months he could have it. All it had was a starter and a refuel thingy that needed to be installed and it would work fine. It was a beautiful bike. I did like it; the brakes worked. It didnt have a sissy bar but it looked like a nice ride and the crome and engine looked outstanding. So we talked to the guy a little and austin was super enthusiastic of the bike, telling me to buy it right now before the other guy who is interested gets it. Casey looked up the parts and said they were cheap and accesible. But I was uncomfortable buying a bike that I hadnt even tested yet. Arce said to get it. Casey said to get it. But I was unsure. Then I saw the title and sure enough, the signature was the mexican man´s but not this Andrew guy, so he couldnt legally sell it. He told me he could get the mexican to sign it but it was shaddy, way to shady. To easy to forge,a dn if we got caught, well then I would be out $1500 dollars and no bike. I twould suck. Mr Arce said not to take a chance. Then Casey and Austin said no way. They change their minds too much, unstable haha. Again let down.
We went to their house and I was exausted. I had done so much. I just lied there on the bean bag behind the couach listening to Mr arce chatter and watcghint the NBA game and Austin was on the computor looking for bikes for sale within my price range online in texas. I was so tired. We found some nice looking ones but I dont know. I was tired and left like at 11:30. It was a long day. That night all I could do was dream bikes.
I woke up Weds morning and Casey sent me 3 bikes on Facebook to look at. They were on the San antionio craigslist and 2 of them looked alright but th elast one looked really nice. It was a 1984 Honda Shadow VT700 and it was only for $1500 and was the style and year that I wanted. It looked promising. SO I sent him an emial and I got a call back at 1:30 while I was at work from the guy saying the the bike was still up, that two others wanted it and one lady couldnt come up with the money by the weekend so it would be ok if I came to see it then. I was excited- I think we hit something here. I visted edy and we talked about what we could do with them bike. If I wanted it, I would have to strike now. I had work at noon thursday and friday but at 10 on saturday, so I would have to go Friday. I slept there at Edy´s house and all night I dreamed about bikes again. It was nuts.
So I called the man back on Thursday, around the time he called me the day before. he said everything works great and answered all my questions. Seems liek the only thing I might have to change is the front tire and work a little on the crome, but besides that it runs, never has been in storage, and title is clear (thank God!) and it works! (Another plus!) Essentially I found a bike here that is just what I wanted, legally stable, and works, all for Under 2grand, wich is amazing! So I told him I would like to come by tomorrow morning to make sure that I get it before it sells. Sunday was too far away and I didnt want to take the chance. I asked him to meet at 8amish and he said it would work. He lives by hondo, Texas, which is west of san antonio, and I looked it up and it was estimated 3 hours 20 minutes(!) which is much longer than san antonio. SO me and Ed will hve to get up like at 4 or something, earlier than expected. THis is way too cool.
Friday, June 12
So I went to bed at 1:30 at Edy´s. We got up at 4 and We took off at 4:26am and it was nice and dark. We couldnt see anything. But we drove and drove and got breakfast and me and Ed had a good time talking. Finally it was getting blue and some light was comming in. As we approached we got on the small back roads and it was beautiful. Tons of wonderful land with hills and farm lands and cows and it was just so nice and pleasant. I couldnt wait to ride back ont he bike with this seanery!
As we got close I called him up in Hondo. He said to keep going a while and find his white house with blue trim and a orange jeep int he middle of no where. So we kept going and finally after stopping at 2 random houses we found it. And there she was, the bike in all her glory.
THe guy was realy ncie and very honest. He didnt mind us inspecting everything and letting me take it for a spin. Now remember, I hadnt been over 3rd gear yet, so I was really exited

when I got it rolling and got into 2nd, took the left turn real smooth and gave it the gas, and then again, and made it to 4th gear, and I was going so fast! It was awesome!...until I realized I was only going 30mph...yea, this drive is going to be long, very long, haha. I came back around and sure enough 35 felt like I was going 65. This was going to be an exerpeince. Well everything looked good and Edy and his dad liekd it a lot and so I bought it and got the title and everything. There are a lot of rusty spots but that shouldnt be too hard to clean. Battery a bit old and maybe a new oil change. The front tire needs to be changed soon. And some of the indicator lights are out. But I got the title and the owners manuel and I was all set! I couldnt beleive it; I had a bike, I had a bike...

We took off and stopped close by. It was such a cool feeling not only riding on the road with cars on a bike, but knowing that this bike, this bike was mine. It was my bike. Holy crap I had a bike. Wow! So we stopped and took some pictures and a video and of course during the video the bike wouldnt start and then it kept not starting so I was getting real worried. We had to push it to make it go again and that kinda worried me but I knew we would make it back safe

Well the trip was quite an adventure. I had to get used to the wind beating, but besides that, going along those back roads all by ourselves was really pleasant. I was in front most of the time and they would only get infront when we had to make a turn. The annoying small towns that you have to slow down for where the best part of the whole trip cause I got to go smootand softly and just chill int he slw 40mph parts. It was so cool. It was great, and I loved having my gloves and long sleeve shirt and helmet and aviators on; I felt like a pimp walking throug the gass station to use the resteroom, never have I felt so cool before going to the bathrrom. I filled it up, all $3.58 of it and we kept going. As we got closer we hit more and more traffic until we hit a main highway all the way bak and there was a lot of traffic. And the turcks! Oh, them blasted trucks! They made such a wind vortex it was rediculous! From far back and all the way through, instead of the wind eating you from every which direction (cause I dont have a windsheild), it would all just direct right at me and beat me strait on, even when I passed it. And the fast I went to pass it up, the harder it beat at me. Dang I hat trucks, evil loosers.

We got back to the ouskirts of Corpus and that is where it got really enjoyable. All those parts that were one boring and slow were now the most enjoyable parts ever. I got back to Austin´s house and parked it up. Then I went to drop off Edy and his dad, shower, grab some food, and headed strait to work! And that was nuts cause I was exausted but so exited! Oh what a day! Of course Austin and Casey who came in town to watch Blue October made me come by and show them the bike. They loved it. So I slept there that night. I hadnt been home since Thursday morning! It was nuts, and I was so tired. BUt I had a bike, and that is all that matters...