My Grandfather and me wearing his favorit soccer team: America. Viva America!
Ok, I (Casey) must interrupt here....There is something that must be said about daniel´s barganing skills, or rather lack there of. We found this reggaeton cd that daniel was all excited about, not a regular album put out by a well known artist, but a mix that someone made in their in their house. I (Casey) informed daniel he could probably get it for a lot cheaper.....this is the mexican market.....but he thought it was a good price. Despite my very strong reasoning and well meant wisdom, Daniel still paid 12 dollars for an 8 dollar cd. ...its ok, im not mad, just dissapointed. Meanwhile , I craftilly went shop to shop, skillfully bargaining for shirts, necklaces, wallets, for a fraction of the price....ok, back to the rest of the trip.
For lunch we went to Altorche, Spanish for the torche. It was pretty cool. Casey had some Fajitas and I got steak. It was good stuff. Casey ordered a corona but got "this little woman´s beer " as daniel would call it, but as he would soon learn, it was a fine beer straight from the Corona.
After looking around some more we decided we were hot and wanted to take a break from the sun and walking. So we took one of ém crazy cabs and headed over to the Simeplex in the south of town, which is a movie theatre. The cab driver was pretty much a badass. He was cutting people left and right and going from side to side on the road. He even played some reggaeton for us, haha. Not only did he have mad driving skills, he also had a legit mexican know what i mean. The movie theatre, Cineplex, has a Weds special, 27 pesos for a movie, which is about $2.50 USD, actually its $2.50 please excuse daniel´s math, for a real movie theatre. No bad, eh? Well, we didn’t think so either until we got there and saw the movie selection… was garbage. There was Iron man, but we had just seen it on Friday and I had it on DVD in the bag in my hands. It all came down to two painful choices: A chick Flick orhorror movie. Well, we decided that we were too good for a chick movie, so we went for the horror movie. It was called Imagenes de Alla…which translates to Images of over there, but the movie name in English is Shutter. And it was stupid…Its pretty much about this new couple who get married and the dude is a professional camera man so he gets a photoshoot in Tokyo . Then they start getting haunted by this asian girl. Apparently this Japanese girl was with him back in the day but then she went crazy so they split up. And then the dude´s partners were mean to her because she went phsyco. She would appear ramdomly and you could see her tracks on photos. So she pretty much haunts him till he goes insane as well. It was a stupid movie…not worth my 27 pesos. So the moral of the story….never hook up with a Japanese girl because she will kill you.
After that we called up so that my aunt would pick us up because it was close to the house and she was done form work. So she said 10 mintues and we said we would wait underneath the movie listing signs. Well, it ended up taking forever. Like I told Casey, Mexican are notorious for being late and for coming twice the time they said they would. So guessed she would take 20 minutes. Well it turned out to be 30 because she said she looked for us and couldn’t find us, so she went shopping instead. So we were luck we found her, haha. The good part about being stuck out there for so much time is that we found out why the Mexican Police is so incompetent…its because they hide, yes, hide behind bushes. And to prove it we caught one cop doing just that. It’s a dangerous world we live in, atleast this man has found "a safe place".
This is why Mexico is so dangerous: Sure, they have cops, but they all hide behind bushes...and we caught one doing it in the act. The identification of the man is unknown due to the bush.
From there we went to the house and eat some food. Then my Aunt dropped us off at the El Cultura de Arte centre to meet us with Jasmine to see Pneumus´ show. It was a really cool show. So they had a band on the right side of the stage and they were playing a few instruments like the base, the violin, the flute-saxophone, the accordion, the percussion, and then there was this dude who switched out instruments to make sound effects. And then there was this dude on the left that had tons of these black sheets with drawings on them that were telling a story. They also had this camera dude that was putting up the show on a big screen along with some special visual effects. It was pretty cool. I didn’t understand the story but it was really creative and cool. After that we did some more shopping and went over to look at another free concert at the fair. Rayito Colombiano was playing. They do tropical old school Colombian music. We danced to a little but it was pretty lame. It was funny because we got there during the introduction and they all this hype going into it and then they would play like a 5 second clip and keep pushing the hype with cool lights and pyrotechnics and tight beats and then it would go to their lame music and then back around again. Me and Casey were laughing cause it was just weird to have this hype for that type of music. And that intro took like 20 minutes, it was ridiculous. And when they finally came out we just left.
We tried to get back to Jasmin´s house early, which ended up being like 10:30, because we were invited to go on her field trip with her class. And since the trip was in Zachatecas at 8, that meant the bus was leaving at 5:30 am. So yeah, we had to get some sleep, so we had to cut the night short. But it was one fun, full day. Along with the bus, fair, crazy taxi, movie, not so sneaky cop, the show, it was one bodacious day. Cant wait for tomorrow!
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