I bought a Canon SD1000 right before school started. It was a fantastic camera. Then I lost it in
Then I find FOTO Connection, a camera shop online. I found the silver Canon SD1000 and quickly ordered using 3 day shipping. Well, this happened again, becase I checked my email on monday and it said I needed toc all up. So mad again, I called these dudes up and the man was rude and difficult to understand. He was like..." Do you want kbdoufb aaskhb shipping ubaksjd 182 dollars kubf got that? Its that what you want? Want a memory cart?" "No, I dont want a memory card." "You dont want a memory cart? There is none in box.""Well, is this a facory sealed box?" "Yes it ice." " Then it must have a memory card." "Everything comes in the box oifsbowocinEOIFNNCVBSDVBKSJEFB $182 dollar? Ok?" And I was like, "um, ok, I guess. Just get it out. I need it this weekend."

So the box came in Thursday night
I look at the box, its bigger than the other one, but it is still lite. Pager to see my camera once again, I open up the box. And that’s when a few things start to come up. First off, there were some promotional giveaways. There was a little case, a tripod, and some lens cleaner garbage. On the Invoice it said I got some special starter set and was priced at $189.00. Dang, I got ripped. They charged me more. I told them I didn’t want this special package. All I anted was in the box. Then I pull out the box, and it wasn’t the box. It was some other canon box. I mean, it still had a sticker that said Canon SD1000, but it wasn’t the official box like I was told. I opened the box to see what was inside. There was the CD, instruction manuals, and then all the cables wrapped up as if the camera had been returned. I was like, whats going on? No memory card. I look at the box and there was a sticker that said “no memory card included”. I was like, what a looser who sold me this camera box and charged me more and told me it was coming I the box and everything and what did I get? Some other box without the original contents and he charged me more for this other garbage. And then I pull out the little soft cover for my camera only to find….¡the wrong camera! Yeah, no joke! Well, kinda. I ordered a silver camera and they gave me the black one. I was like, dang I am mad! Grrrr. I was so outrage. But I couldn’t call them because it was past midnight. So I went to bed an unhappy man but I managed to sleep. The next morning I call them first thing. The man was like “Do yo have a problem, Srr?” I was like, heck yeah! I started to go through all the things and he started to give excuses like they don’t give us the real box and what they give us is what we sell and blah blah unintelligent regurgitation of some stupid corse he was given before he took customer service, or if wasn’t that then he was just coming up with garbage that I knew was bull. Then I was like, “But Peter, you gave me the wrong camera! I specifically requested a silver one and you guys sent me a black one!” And he replied, “Uhh, sir, they don’t make silver ones.(!!!!¡¡!)” I was like, “yes they do sir.” “Well, at least they don’t make them anymore.” “Yes they do sir. I have owned one. I have used one. I ordered from you guys because I lost my silver on in the snow in
So then there in the laptop problem. Man, I don’t know if you guys really weant to listen to all my rants. But I will give you the brief details:
1. My aunt wanted a laptop from the

2. I looked all over the place and no one had a Spanish keyboard (besides Apple). So that was over…unless I wanted to order from
3. I had a hard time finding a AMD processor on a laptop because almost everything is Intel these days. Then Windows XP downgrade able laptops are limited.
4. I finally found a pretty good laptop at HP. It was the HP Pavilion Dv6700. It was downgradable to XP, had a AMD Turion64 X2 processor (Turion is 2 times better than Arthron), 3 gigs of memory….I mean, it was a great laptop. The dude on the phone found this one for me. He guaranteed it would downgrade to Windows XP. And it had the processor. So I got 2 out of the 3 criteria, so I bought the $770 dollar laptop and had 2 day shipping to arrive on Friday.

5. Got the Laptop. It was a beauty. I made recover disks. Edy put on Windows XP. The next step was to find drivers. And that is when we had problems….The drivers online, well, there weren’t all the drivers online. And the ones they did have didn’t work. We found this out in a course of like 14 hours and it was very frustrating. So I descided to call and find what the heck was going on. Because we couldn’t go on the internet and the speakers weren’t working and there were so many thing here and there that it wasn’t even funny. But Edy warned me not to call the people because they know nothing. He warned me in advance that he would not speak to them at all because they just frustrate him in their stupidity and lack of knowledge on computers. But I felt that is all I had to go. So I give technical support

So Edy´s sister, Ana, had her quinceñera on Saterday. I will say front up:_ It was awesome. They balanced having a cool quince, keeping the spiritual part alive, and keeping the cost low, cause those things are money burners. So I agreed to be in whatever they wanted. And bit by bit I was more involved. The first request was to play the Ave Maria during the mass. That was cool, cause I like to play my alto saxophone and I have played that before at her sister´s wedding a few years ago. So the next thing I hear is that I am now part of the group of honorary guests. Therefore I went to rent a tux and get everything fitted. Then they asked me to get there early. It was funny, cause Ed was with me and he was taking a shower. He finished and was fixing his hair in his tux shirt and boxers. Then he remarked that it would be awesome to walk into the church in his boxers. We both laughed. And then when he went to look…where were his pants…his pants were missing! He must have left them at his house and we had to be at the church in 10 minutes! It was so funny, well, for me at least. I let him borrow the only black pants that where in the house and we rushed over to the church. We had the whole preparation and pictures and stuff. I found out right before mass that I was in the opening procession. So I ran up to the front and was behind John, Ana´s sister´s Alicia´s fiancé (I hope you got all that). We were the first 2 people. The Mass was very well done, not bad for a Priest from
Well, when you hear of me next time, I will be in Mexico!
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