Monday morning I got up, excited for the day and my first day working for the hooks. I wanted to go work out but being sick kept me out of the gym. However, I was asked to go to the Hook's office early that day to see the park, meet everyone, and to get some office work done. So I got there at 10 am and I was able to meet everyone and check out the ballpark. I have been there before but this time I was able to see all the background stuff. Real cool and real simple. Then I went to clean and tape balls. We have this thing called Grande ball day.
Grande is a cable provider down here. Once a monththey have this ball day. They sell baseballs for a dollar a piece. All the money goes to charity. After the game they put a bucket out on the field and everyone tries to throw the balls into the barrel. Whoever makes it into the barrel shares a $1500 dollar prize. So I had the joy of preparing the balls. First off I had to clean the balls used from the last time. Each ball had a four digit number on it. I had to copy that number on a ticket stub, and then tape that little ticket stub on the ball. That way whoever bought the ball would taire the stub off the ball and then throw the ball. Then the balls that landed in the barrel would have their numbers called and matched with the ticket stub. So I worked on that from 10:45 am to 3 pm. At 2 pm I had done 900 balls by myself before more people came to help.

Since I am ballpark entertainment, I usually will have to get there at 3pm. So at 3 I stopped doing balls and started with my daily duties. We hung posters of the sponsors of the day and put up the player score cards and did all the little things to get the game going in relation of us. At 5:30 we open gates and greet everyone in. At 6:30 we go nuts. We start going all over the stadium looking for people to do promotions. We send all the information up to the press box where our main man and the PA announcer are waiting for all the information. Then we carry on the game plan the entire night. We do everything, from asking questions to holding competitions to throwing out shirts to going out into the crowd and making cheers. My first day was so much fun. It was fun cause I was learning on the fly and because my job is just fun period. After the game we say bye to everyone, clean up our equipment, take down sponsor posters, talk abut the next day, and take off. I usually leave between 10:30-11pm. It was great.
The next morning I went to lift. I go to the Corpus Christi Athletic club. It was a hard workout. I forgot how much you sweat in this humidity in Corpus. Its ridiculous. It was a hard workout. Got other work done. Then went to work again. Got to the ballpark at 3pm. Did everything as usual and the game went on. This game went by real slow. The next thing you know it was the bottom of the 9th and we tied the game. And on we went to extra endings. 10th, 11th, 12th. We werejust cheering with the crowd, trying to keep them interested even though it was past midnight. We finally ended up having a fly ball to the left field getting through the player and bounced over the fence for a home run at the bottom of the 13th inning. It was a long game. We were lucky it was Grande ball day. All those balls I cleaned were sold the entire game. So people who bought the balls had to wait all those 13 innings to throw their balls. It really helped keep people in the stands. The ball time was great. balls from everywhere. Only 3 people made it into the barrel. Over a 1000 balls got their duty. I got back home like at 1:30 am.
You can read about the game here:
You can read about the game here:
I was off for the last 2 homes games on Weds and Thursday. I like to put Weds cause I always mess up spelling wednesday. So I cheat. But anyhow, I had those days off. I ran for the first time back in Corpus on Weds. And man was it hard! So frustrating for 2 reasons: 1 it is super hot and humid here in Corpus. 2 I was out of shape b/c of being sick and not being able to do anything physical for a week. The combination was ugli! I was slow and dying from the heat. I went in the shower and had cold at full blast on my face and wrists trying to cool off and unsuccessful.
On saterday my brother had his high school formal. I graduated from Annapolis Christian Academy. I went to those formals in my days. They were alright. So we dropped him off and went to the boat show. We saw some cool cars, like porches, mazeraties, and a ton of yachts. We went to the end of the yachts and we saw this huge, 125 foot yacht. It was crazy big. Only really useful for parties, I would think. We were told they have had over 100 people on it before. The yacht had 12 rooms and took a 6 man cru to opperate. It used 50 gallons of petrol on cruse and 150 on top speed an hour. Some lawyer out of Galviston bought the 2000 year build yacht for $8.3 million dollars.

That was cool but not as cool as the yacht next to it. This 50 foot yacht was pimp. We were able to climb into it and go on the top part and sit down. It was so peaceful up there. We went down into the cabin and it was so cool. The captin's chair was like a thrown filled with cushions, dials and a nice wheel. There was a grill and a mini kitchen and 2 rooms and a bathroom too. The lounge area was surprisingly roomy. I can just see it now, get one of these suckers and put a plasma tv in the lounge area, invite friends over, so fishing or swim during the day, play cards on the top or play video games in the lounge, grill up some food, and chill for the night in whatever you can lay on. That would be so much fun. This boat was the coolest. Its price was over $1 million dollars, but the boat special brought it down to $959,000. Not bad, eh? Yeah right! But....if I ever did get the cash, I would try to buy one of these things at 70 feet and have a special compartment for my Lotus and a few bikes. Then me and Ed, my best friend/brother, would just cruse along the eastern bay, hanging out in the city in our Lotus and come hang out with new friends in the Yacht. It would be so much fun. Doubt that will ever happen, but hey, it would be cool. You have to admit.

That was cool but not as cool as the yacht next to it. This 50 foot yacht was pimp. We were able to climb into it and go on the top part and sit down. It was so peaceful up there. We went down into the cabin and it was so cool. The captin's chair was like a thrown filled with cushions, dials and a nice wheel. There was a grill and a mini kitchen and 2 rooms and a bathroom too. The lounge area was surprisingly roomy. I can just see it now, get one of these suckers and put a plasma tv in the lounge area, invite friends over, so fishing or swim during the day, play cards on the top or play video games in the lounge, grill up some food, and chill for the night in whatever you can lay on. That would be so much fun. This boat was the coolest. Its price was over $1 million dollars, but the boat special brought it down to $959,000. Not bad, eh? Yeah right! But....if I ever did get the cash, I would try to buy one of these things at 70 feet and have a special compartment for my Lotus and a few bikes. Then me and Ed, my best friend/brother, would just cruse along the eastern bay, hanging out in the city in our Lotus and come hang out with new friends in the Yacht. It would be so much fun. Doubt that will ever happen, but hey, it would be cool. You have to admit.
We went to peir 99, a real good outdoor seafood place. Good stuff. Even though the Celtics somehow lost to the Hawks. That night I hung out with some friends at a lame bonfire at the beach. Yes, we have beaches here at Corpus. I got back home at 3 am. On sunday the suns and spurs played again. Now the 3rd game the spurs played perfect. Everything you want in a team they did. Parker was on fire, scoring a career high 41 points and added 12 assists in a 115-99 win over the Suns. The suns played their heart out, but when playing a great team who played perfect with a great coach (which Detroit doesnt have...), they are unstoppable. The suns had no luck for this perfect game to be #3. So the 4th game was on sunday afternoon and the Suns just took off. They had this big lead going into half time. The next thing I know my mom wakes me up at 5:15 telling me that mass was at 6. I was like, wow, I just missed the entire second half because I slept through this boring game on the couch. There was like 3 minutes left in the 4th before the Suns won a 105-86 game.
After mass I went to my good friend's birthday party. Since I graduated, I was on the non-annapolis basketball team. I got on fire and was leading the scrappy, non-basketball playing squad against an all ACA Warrior basketball squad to a 21-6 game. We killed them. And they all play on the school team. And none of my guys did. Heck, they were all homeschoolers. And I am an old 19 year old guy fresh from his first year of college who played 6 years of varsity basketball and 5 years of varsity 6-man football and am now a basketball manager for the University of Michigan Men's Basketball team. And we killed them. Sweet, sweet victory.
After mass I went to my good friend's birthday party. Since I graduated, I was on the non-annapolis basketball team. I got on fire and was leading the scrappy, non-basketball playing squad against an all ACA Warrior basketball squad to a 21-6 game. We killed them. And they all play on the school team. And none of my guys did. Heck, they were all homeschoolers. And I am an old 19 year old guy fresh from his first year of college who played 6 years of varsity basketball and 5 years of varsity 6-man football and am now a basketball manager for the University of Michigan Men's Basketball team. And we killed them. Sweet, sweet victory.
So the week was good. First week back and a lot has happened. I am off from baseball till the 3rd of May, next saterday, when the team comes back from traveling. So I got the week off, and we will see what happens! Cheers -DP
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