Well Fokes....I was so busy these past 2 weeks that I didnt even have time to stop by and say hi! It was terrible! Work coming out of my nostrils and all other bodily openings! Its wasnt even funny! But alo, I am here now. And so we begin

School was nuts. My Movement Science 110 final was pretty good. Hard, but I got a B. Overall in the class I got a B. Thats great at Michigan. I studied a lot for my econ101 final. Of course I should have studied more, but I picked up some extra shifts on friday and saterday...I wont tell you how much I worked those days, but I will tell you that they were a lot. So of course when those days were gone, I killed my butt studying for econ101 all sunday, monday and tuesday. I worked and worked, and it seemed I was getting the concept down...and I really was, really, but then that blasted last exam came around tuesday night and the rest was history. It was so hard. I didnt know what was going on. It was definitely harder than the last exams covering the same material. There were 33 questions. 10 were true/false, and the rest were multiple choice. I had to guess on 6 of them, completely guess b/c I didnt know what the heck was going on. They would show you a graph of the marginal cost tell you the average total cost was at minimum, and expect you to advise the monopoly whether they should increase or decrease output, increase or decrease price, and that was if you said stay open in the first place! Baaa! So essentially I guessed 6/23, thats like freakin 25%! It was terrible! I wanted to kill someone! But I was too tired and brain dead to do so! I turned in my exam to my GSI and told her it was butt hard. She said it was surprisingly hard for her too...which tells you something....
After the exam that tuesday night I went strait to the St Mary end of year dance thingy. It rocked as usual. I went to the Christmas one and had a blast, and this one was swell as well (thats a rimmer!). At first I was so frustrated about the exam, so my friend Devon took me up stairs and we wrestled to get the frustration out. I beat him real fast, but it did a great job of getting that frustration out. I was going crazy in the dance again. My dancing skills have improved leaps and bounce since last year, no joke, really, like I can actually dance kinda now. You have to believe me (Arce and Casey). I have been working diligently to get some some, natural moves down, and I am at the level were I can just hit the floor and not worry about how undanceful I am any more. Good stuff
Weds they had a barbecue at my dorm, and when they do something like that at Bursley on North Campus, its a big deal, cause we have over 1000 students living there. So in stead of getting there when everyone else would, I went to lift and came back at the end, and there was still a huge line. But I played some football and stuff...you just had to stay out there cause the weather was so good! Finally Michigan turned sunny! Finally Ann Arbor came to its amazing spring self! I mean, sure the leaves were not out yet, but hey, the temperature was a perfect 72 degrees, with the sun out not too bright, with a smooth breeze, and I could go on and on, cause it was perfect. So I spent a little too much time with my friends, but it was worth it.
(Me and Marc, my buddy from Cameroon that lived right next to my room)
So I did finish classes and my last final on tuesday, the 15th of April. But I had 2 papers due at noon on friday. I also had to pack all my storage boxes and my boxes shipping back home for the 3-5 pick up on friday. So I was flying, trying to get through this paper as fast and as good as I could. I had the great idea of playing tennis with on of my buds there, Eugene, and we played out in the sun from 11:30 to 2pm. I lost the first set 6-2, it was pathetic. But I lead in the second match starting 2-0. We tied 2-2, then I lead 4-2, then we tied 6-6. We fought back and forth and then I finally lost 9-7. It was crap. SO close! It was my first game in ages. But the sun killed me as I always does, and Im not just talking about the sun burn. I got a massive head ache. It was terrible. I wanted to do nothing but sit around the rest of the day. But I had to work. And then I had to write my papers. I ended up taking an hour and 1/2 nap b/c everything felt so weak. Then I wrote some more and more until I finished at 2:30 am. Then Eugine came back to taunt me cause he beat me and b/c I looked so tired and weak and he only needs 3 hrs of nap time a day. And with that I began to clean! And Pack! and Clean! And then I died at 5:30. I got up at 7, packed a little more, then took a 1/2 hr nap, packed packed packed, and then I left at 10:30 to go to my meeting. I dropped of my 2 papers and went to my meeting at cottage inn with the St Mary NCSA (Newman Church Student Association). Then I went back, packed like a freak, cleaned and was done by 3:45, just like I needed to. I had 3 boxes for shipping, 2 of storage, 1 plastic container of storage, and a cleaned refrigerator for storage. I had way too much crap with me. After that, I went to drop off some stuff, picked up my suitcases from a friends house, and went to the Briarwood mall with Annika before she leaves forever back in Germany. I was lucky enough to borrow a friend of mine's car. Matt is awesome- just for the record. He wants to start his own gaming developing firm, so all you should buy the games he makes, cause he is a great guy. I will remind you guys in the future, so dont worry about it too much now. So I did all my errands, got back and packed my bags, or tried to squeeze everything that was left in those bags, and then died again. I was kinda sick cause of the sun/lack of sleep, so that night was not pleasant. But considering it was more than the last few days combined, it was nice. I was sleeping on a bare matrice cause everything was already shipped. I stole Pete's blanket, my roommate (no, pete is my roommate, not the blanket silly!) and that helped a little. I did wake up a few time drenched in sweat. I was sleeping in the same clothes I wore all day cause thats all I had. I got up that morning, tried to figure out what to do to sign out, and finally left with Miriam Torrez, my awesome Godmother who took me to the airport. This was the first time American Airlines has ever been good to me. I actually got to Corpus on Time and with all my luggage! A miracle indeed!
W3ll, being back in the hot, humid Coprus was strange, but kinda nice. My dad and two younger bros, Christopher (AKA Skunk...dont ask) and Michael (Aka Sumo/Mega Wario) were jumping up and down to greet me. Michael even had a shirt that said "MR. HAPPY" and had a smiley face on it, haha. We went back home to see my mom and Carlos (AKA HotDog), oh, and the dog (Pepper, the only other female in the house). My dad finally decided to complete his Texaness and bough a grill. He loves grilled food, he just doesnt like the smell afterwards on his clothes and hair (Weak Sauce!), but he finally got one. So we grilled and ate outside by the pool and fountain and chatted the night away. Then of course we watched basketball together. Thats kinda my imprint on the family. I love to watch NBA, especially the playoffs, and since the playoffs began this saterday, we watched some of the first few games to come. Those darn spurs! GRRRR! I give Tim Duncan credit, but looser Manu Ginobli had to make the game winner to lead the Spurs over the Suns by 2 points in double overtime. And then the rockets just flopped. It was ugli. We will see what happens in the future.

Ok guys, I think I have spoken long enough. I had a lot to fill you in. Upcoming is my first week in Texas, including my new job with the Corpus Christi Hooks, so we will see how that goes. Also, more playoff action ahead, and who knows what else! Adios! -DP
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