Yea, so I am at final time again. Work load is rediculous. In the course of 2 weeks I have
3 presentations
4 papers 10, 12, 20, 30
4 final exams
So what is my plan? Well, work hard, and no sleep. Or little sleep.
Am I sure it can work? Well check this out. If you dont sleep a regular amound of time, the body will learn to adjust to go into deep sleep quicker. Here are some stats straight from my iPhone:
Went to bed / woke up: 3:13 AM / 6:30 AMTotal time: 3h 16m

This is when I got lucky earlier in the year:
Went to bed / woke up: 2:04 AM / 8:00 AM
Total time: 5h 55m

I did some research on sleep and I found that scientists have seen some proof that 4 hours of sleep can be sufficient for some people. Many notable people through history have claimed to need less sleep - Michelangelo, Napoleon, Thomas Edison all claim to have only needed 4 hours of sleep a night. In modern days, Madonna, Jay Leno, Margaret Thatcher and many others say the same thing. It seems to be more prevalent in highly ambitious, driven individuals. Crazy.
Whats even crazier is this: I wake up at 6-6:30 every morning. I have been tired all year getting 6 hours of sleep. When I changed to 3 hours, I would wake up and I would have tons of energy. Now science has found that if you sleep too much, like sleeping in on a saturday, will create a tired and sleepy feel for the rest of the day. So lots of sleep will make you actually feel sleepier, versus sleeping a little less and you will feel a lot better! And that is what is haoppening to me...I feel so much metter sleeping 3-4 than 6-7. And whats better than having 20 hours to your day? Not much...unless you have to spend it all studying, which is exactly what I am doing...studying like teh dickens. So till next time, happy studying! Just dont become like this kid and sleep through your bus stop...

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