I will be applying to the second tier of the Sport Management program this semester. Although Econ killed my GPA (fell from a 3.34 to a 2.88 after both econs), I believe my strong resumé of work and past experiences will help me get in.
I am looking forward to do many things with St Mary and NCSA. It was funny,b ecause a couple of us were going to do litergy of the hours on saterday morning, the first one from my break. We descided to meet at St Mary to use a room there and because it was a central location. Well, we get there at 10am, and it takes like 10 minutes, but I figure out that I had an NSCA meeting,t he first one of the term! So I went and it took 10 hours, no joke, from 10am to 7:30. It was nuts. But we got so much important things done.
UCO is gonna be sweet. The combination of JaNEWary and Man Month is gonna be awesome! THe beard has already begun and it is only a matter of time that the girls look at me weird and the coaches offer me shavers. But what the corn, it is all good.
The one thing that sucks is that my iPhone is still bricked. it is still useless. As in, it doesnt work and it hasnt worked since January 4th. I have done everything. I even got one of them any sims and cut my sim card so that it would fit and it still doesnt work! Ahh. If anyone has any suggestions, please put them in the comment box.
I have Intermural basketball this semester and that should be cool. If you remember last year, we were on the A league instead of the B. And it was aweful. This year we are in teh B and we are more prepared. I even have my manager buddy Josh playing with us. It should be exciting.
This was a short post, but what the heck, I will post another one up soon. Take care, ya hear?
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