One bummer was the home game against Ohio State. Now we lost to them by a little on the road, and we really should have beat them. But this time they came home, and in celebration and commemoration, we invited the 1989 NCAA Championship team to come and we wore the ´89 year retro jerseys. It was pretty pimp...until we lost. Yes, we lost to Ohio State, and it was very very disappointing. It really was embarrassing, but never the less, the ´89 squad was very supportive and gave the players a lot of encouragement after the game. IN the locker room, one of the things that stood out for me was when Beilein asked a raise of hands of all the players hwo played in the NBA. About 8 or 9 of the 13 guys raised their hands. Then he asked how much money they had left from their NBA careers, and they all said Zero. "Did you Michigan Education pay off?" "Absolutely!" They all shouted in unison!

Now, although we have a loosing streak going, we still have a chance to make it into the NCAA tournament. We need to make at least 9 conference wins to have a chance, but it seems like this chance is getting slimmer and slimmer as the games go by. We will see what happeneds.