Not much here. One of the football players left from the football team. He was a starting OL player. It was very unexpected. He commented that the team did not have the same family feel to it under Rodriguez like it did under Carr. That makes me worried. Of course Rodriguez had to speak up and deny anything of the such. But the fact that a scholarship all American starting line man left the team for that reason makes me have my doubts.
Well, it snowed out of the blue during the weekend. Lets just say that people were not happy about that. The snow stayed for most of the week. Then it began to get warm. I felt like it was getting warm enough, so I ditched the jacked at 33 degrees. We had some pretty days.

On Tuesday I went to basketball practice (I am a manager for the varsity basketball team). I had to skip the manager meeting with Belien (dang it!) cause I had another meeting to go to. Ron Shaprio, one of the top and most successful sports agent in the sports world came to speak for the Business School and the Sports Business Administration (which I am apart of) that afternoon. I was really excited about it. You can see his bio here: http://www.shapirosher.com/rms/ . I walked in, and saw this very simple looking man in his later years chatting around. This was the man. I was very stuck by his appearance. He had some worn dress pants, a simple white long sleeve shirt with a modest tie. He had no flashy watch or snazzy shoes or gangsta jewelry. He seemed very simple. And if you ran into him in the airport, you would never know he was a multi million dollar agent with athletes with Ken Griffy Junior caliber players. He was a very good speaker. You could tell he was a teacher at some point (taugh law school for a few years). He had large blue eyes that were very soft and inviting with his strong yet friendly tone. He moved around naturally and was amazing with names. He asked me specifically why I came here. I must have been the only freshman. I told him I was considering the sport agent world, but was still unsure and wanted to learn about it. So what better than to go hear from the best! His talk was amazing. Very good guy. He really stressed preparation. I could go on and on about his stories and what he learned, but that would take too long. If you want to know, just tell me, cause I wrote 4 pages of notes in his short, 30 minute talk. Afterwards I went up to talk to him later. I told him I have always been big on preparing. I told him I overtrained in sports in high school, so that really killed me. So I learned that not only do I have to work hard, but I have to work smart. He totally agreed with me and warned me of burining out, cause that will kill me in any area he said. He recommended getting his new book, which he had ther on sale for $25 dollars. It is entitled DARE to PREPARE: How to win before you begin! Catchy, isnt it? You can check out his New York Times Best Seller here: http://www.amazon.com/Dare-Prepare-How-Before-Begin/dp/0307383261 . So I told him I would love to get it but I only had $8:50 in my bank account. He was like, "No worries, I will just give you a book. Read it, it has everything you need to know" And he did! He gave me a book for free! And he even signed it! So I am really excited about it. I cant wait to have no work to do to read it. Maybe in these next couple of weeks.
School sucks. As usual. Super hard. All the time. Never ending. Baaa. Am I exited to get out? Heck yeah! 3 more weeks to go, baby! Then no more econ, no more north campus, and no more piles of never ending homework! I am excited! But its not here yet...which means I got to put for th effort, and not only effort, but my very best. So wish me luck.
I have been watching a little. I will tell you what, that game with West Virginia and Xavier was tight! It went into over time, WV pulled out in front with some lucky calls, and then played defensively. Xavier played to win and really fought hard. They made 3 3pointers in a row that were amazingly difficult and pulled out in front. I did make a braket, for the first time in fact. Ha, I made 2. I didnt remembr my first one when asked to make my bracket, so I have to winners. Hopefully 1 of the 2 actually makes it. I am rooting for Texas, I know, its amazing that I am rooting for them. infact, I am rooting for them but I want them to loose in the sweat 16, because they will mess up my braket for one, and second, I just dont like the Longhorns (Right Mr. Arce?). So yeah, excited to see what ends up happening in San Antonio.
So there you go, folks. Have a good time reading this. Leave me some comments. Cheers! -DP
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too long!
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